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    sympathizes Beispielsätze


    1. sympathizes with all; he has cast selfishness behind him for ever, and he lives

    2. May I speak quite freely, and will you remember that it's Mother who blames as well as Mother who sympathizes?"

    3. Or that again which most nearly approaches to the condition of the individual--as in the body, when but a finger of one of us is hurt, the whole frame, drawn towards the soul as a centre and forming one kingdom under the ruling power therein, feels the hurt and sympathizes all together with the part affected, and we say that the man has a pain in his finger; and the same expression is used about any other part of the body, which has a sensation of pain at suffering or of pleasure at the alleviation of suffering

    4. PATCO was the rare union, along with the Teamsters, that supported Reagan during the election, and he sympathizes with their pay request

    5. One feels that the author loves this woman, and that he does not love her merely for her external forms, but for her soul, for what there is good in it, and that he sympathizes with her and suffers for her, and this sensation is involuntarily transferred to the reader

    6. And you? Is it the one you ought to love that you give your heart to? Is it the one that understands you and sympathizes with you? Or is it the one whose presence gives you visions of paradise and whose absence blots out the light?

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