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    trench mortar Beispielsätze

    trench mortar

    1. In the end it was that bad one of the trench mortars lobbed a couple of shells in their direction after this there was blessed silence although the Germans retaliated for quite a while after

    2. “I heard that there were casualties amongst the York & Lanc’s in the reserve trench it was hit by a ‘Flying Pig’ (a trench mortar) nasty bloody things they are

    3. ” Fred rushed off to tell the mortar crew and I watched through the eye holes of the plate as the ‘Pumpkins’ (trench mortars) dropped onto the limber throwing earth and mud up into the air and no doubt parts of the Hun sniper as well

    4. If you spot one call down a couple of trench mortar rounds onto him don’t bother about having a duel with him do it my way and you might just survive

    5. A few days later Bert and I were picked for a working party to go up and mend a communications trench that had been blown in by an ‘Oil Can’ (large trench mortar shell)

    6. We ducked down as a large explosion and a plume of black smoke rose up into the air and a ‘Jack Johnson’ (trench mortar shell) landed on the part of the trench that they had just reached

    7. Things were beginning to hot up now on the ‘Shooting Gallery’ (front line) as the Germans stepped up there artillery fire and we also had a lot of ‘Flying Pigs’, ‘Rum Jar’s’ (trench mortar rounds) and ‘Obus’ (howitzer rounds) coming over

    8. Richards (late 61st Trench Mortar Battery, 20th London Division), 15 London Street, W

    9. Trench mortars, rifle grenades, and machine-gun fire contributed to the din

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