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    unskillful Beispielsätze


    1. Additionally, such introspection empowers us to be more aware of what we think, say, and do – thereby leads us to change our unskillful behavior, and in the process plants positive seeds in our mind stream, to then experience pleasing outcomes in the future

    2. Committing cruel, dishonest, and other unskillful actions of body, speech, and mind, we will certainly not escape the consequences of these deeds, either in this life or in the future

    3. Therefore, the Law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them

    4. Through the practice of meditation, we begin to see the full range of the mind's activities, old unskillful patterns as well as wholesome thoughts and feelings

    5. It can account for our present situation as the outcome (reward and/or punishment) for our skillful ("good") and unskillful ("bad") actions in the past, both in this life and in previous lifetimes

    6. Skillful actions will, of course, produce happiness; unskillful actions, unhappiness

    7. Rather, we realize that we can have skillful or unskillful thoughts; we can speak skillful or unskillful words; and we can act in either skillful or unskillful ways

    8. Unskillful actions are the opposite of skillful actions

    9. Whenever any form of delusion, attachment, or aversion is present, it blurs the view and increases the likelihood of unskillful karma for an individual or group

    10. For us to retaliate with anger and resentment at his words would be an unskillful action on our part, and would result in negative karma (effects) ripening for us in the future, being directly connected to the exact nature of the cause

    11. Understanding unskillful karma and its consequences should not paralyze us, but rather inspire us to carefully watch our thinking, speaking, and acting

    12. Skillful actions produce beneficial effects; unskillful actions produce harmful effects

    13. There is nothing special we have to do to eliminate unskillful states or to make skillful ones happen, except to be aware of the moment

    14. light seemed to be a good sign to the unskillful, but was

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