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    1. utter disgust and morbid fear

    2. ’ I bite my lip trying not to laugh at his tone of utter exasperation

    3. ’ I said, my words sounding daft even as I utter them

    4. He was sure he would have remembered such an utter beauty

    5. to her utter amazement stars in their millions

    6. pray about before we utter the first word and before we even think about it

    7. dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for

    8. The simple, sweet smell of jam and bread was utter torment

    9. Calling him a bloody bastard every time he pops into my head goes some way to resolving the issue of my feelings for him, but it’s much harder coming to terms with my utter stupidity

    10. As about her brother, he didn't utter a word; he only followed obediently

    11. He wakes up later, seemingly the next morning, to utter surprise

    12. To my utter surprise and absolute delight, Menachem simply took my outstretched hand in his, shook it vigorously and said in a strong and jovial voice, “Marwan

    13. Although Menachem continued to laugh and joke, although he strained so hard to contrive new amusements, the sudden and utter futility of my life was all that I could comprehend

    14. Either I was bringing something that is utter insanity, or it is ultimate sanity

    15. He pulled at the tailgate, screwing up his scrawny, twitching features, and slowly but surely, emitting mineral groans and metallic shrieks, the metal and glass door began to inch upwards until, with the tailgate at seventy-five degrees, the little man was able to clamber onto the space made by the flattened seats, cross his legs, and utter a loud harrumph

    16. To have faith in Christ is to have complete and utter surrender to the character of God

    17. She looked up expecting to see rough, serrated concrete but saw instead and to her utter amazement stars in their millions

    18. He looked down upon the bright and savage earth for the first time in countless measures of eternity and there Smith saw something quite unexpected; the utterly familiar shape of loneliness embodied in the outlandish shell of the hairless ape who dared to contemplate creation, baying at the stars, calling out in utter desperation for the companionship that comes with that first sparkling moment of harmony within the song of songs

    19. together in utter perfection

    20. in utter perfection for the Optimal Outcome of ALL

    21. had looked with utter shock and disbelief at his wife

    22. He brought her to the heights of ecstasy again taking great joy in her utter pleasure

    23. After twenty minutes of sheer and utter frustration, and with a nose that was black and blue from battering the cage bars, he finally sat back on the floor and, for the first time in his life, admitted to himself just how long his nose really was

    24. To my utter amazement, he goes on to say that Joris’ last mission was to guard me on my quest to retrieve the last of the Elements, emphasising that without Joris’s protection, the task would have failed – he also manages to suggest that Joris had a hand in the retrieval of the other Elements without actually saying so – but I’m not going to quibble over that

    25. Even more nervously, I do what he suggests, and, to my utter surprise, find that Sefir appears to understand my hamfisted attempts at manipulating the reins

    26. She cried and cried and cried, grieving for the pride and the utter folly of her previous existence that had now laid her down so low

    27. The truth be told, the flirting process starts long before you utter a word

    28. They cawed and wheeled, watching the fire and the thunder rise with a mixture of fear and utter disdain

    29. Slowly, and in a maddening whirl of confusion, recrimination and tears, Lucy begun to piece together the utter horror and enormity of what her mother was saying

    30. She listened to the story unfold with a growing sense of unease and disappointment, a sense that rapidly turned to despair and utter devastation when the pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from Grimsby who would be attending a gala bash in London the following weekend where the boy and his band would finally be unveiled

    31. twenty minutes of sheer and utter frustration, and with a nose that

    32. It was quite possibly the most impolite expletive one could utter in mixed company

    33. Words could never convey the utter despair and horror that

    34. She cried and cried and cried, grieving for the pride and the utter

    35. to piece together the utter horror and enormity of what her mother

    36. that rapidly turned to despair and utter devastation when the

    37. complete and utter disaster, that’s what it was! So

    38. Never again will any man trespass on that territory, not if she has anything to do with it! The thought makes her smile; again she wriggles her limbs under the covers, enjoying the utter magnificence of the freedom

    39. opinion, Reynard was nothing but an utter fool

    40. was too terrified to utter a word

    41. The look of utter disbelief on the officers' faces is blatant

    42. There was a sudden explosion of breath from Samuel and Harry at these words, and their utter relief was apparent

    43. The words were greeted with utter silence, above

    44. His next words rang with utter conviction

    45. clerk really more than he seemed? He was either an utter

    46. There seemed to be nothing around, nothing but complete utter darkness everywhere

    47. utter silence, his mind wandered back to the days when he

    48. When he utter his voice, there is a

    49. Belle looked to Kaitlyn who returned the inquisitive glance with an expression of utter delight

    50. Kaitlyn held her father's arm and sighed a deep sigh of utter contentment and complete joy

    1. intercession for us with groans which cannot be uttered

    2. Another voice, the first syllable uttered in my hearing by one of my compatriots

    3. “Ectoplasm!” I uttered in abhorrence, because I knew: Ecto-plasm is created when an extra-dimensional entity is about to materialize

    4. Vyinga now wished she paid close attention to every word Alan ever uttered about his drug dream

    5. Jake threw his head up and let out a long plume of fire and uttered a loud roar of ‘approval’

    6. As they uttered the very first word of the ceremony the most horrendous wailing drowned out their massed voices and the air was filled with the thud and boom of bass notes and percussion

    7. In the two hours between finishing the evening’s murderous chores and Ken’s return from the pub, Helen Roach’s insidiously persuasive skills were brought to bear on her daughter, convincing Lucy that she had killed her step-brother, but that her mother loved her so much that so long as Lucy never uttered another word on the subject of Alan’s disappearance, then she would protect her forever and a day

    8. She uttered a low guttural, growling sound from deep within her throat

    9. curse uttered by her first husband and she feared greatly that she

    10. uttered, paying particular attention to Bling when she told them

    11. As they uttered the very first

    12. her so much that so long as Lucy never uttered another word on the

    13. The door slams half way through the longest sentence that he has uttered in the last hour

    14. Ozzie uttered a satisfied groan from where he was standing beside the bed

    15. But he didn’t have a chance to do more than register her presence as at that very moment Mrs Brown uttered a piercing shriek

    16. thick with tension as Jean uttered these words

    17. "Depends" Jim uttered, under his breath but the girls still heard

    18. "Bookcase" Emma uttered, entering the hall

    19. "I didn't mean to scare you,” he uttered breathless

    20. "Oh" she uttered being taken back "The only thing, I wanted to do with this house a few hours ago, was get out of it

    21. Staring up into a pair of piercing blue eyes she thought might believe anything she said, she uttered "The sun rise

    22. " she uttered to herself, and then went back to puzzling out the problem in the past

    23. She uttered out everything she saw, bewildered she looked to him in confusion

    24. ” The principal uttered the

    25. If she were strong enough to set the place up, why didn't he believe she could run it? How was he going to just come in and run something he didn’t know anything about? Once, after a lesson on the operation of the power plant, she’d uttered something to that fact to Jim, who’d no idea what she was talking about, and grew angry when she tried to explain it

    26. Said he’d spell the tongue right out of his head if he uttered the name

    27. "Hurry, Mom's hungry," was the last word he uttered before closing the door slowly behind himself, but the low growl, that escaped spoke for its self

    28. " He uttered without looking up

    29. The puzzled look never seemed to leave her face, no matter what he uttered

    30. "Your right," she uttered, pushing past him, "Well at least I think, that's the way it goes

    31. in which the word “provinces” had been uttered

    32. pathetic even as she uttered the words

    33. He never uttered a word

    34. "Oh Baby," he uttered wrapping his arm around her shoulder "You can handle it; you just need to change your approach

    35. She never uttered a word

    36. " he uttered with a shaky voice

    37. " she uttered again

    38. Even then, he never uttered a word of what was happening around the place, she’d had to turn to the kids for that

    39. " Kit uttered as he stepped to the back door

    40. That he understood, or had already recognized, before she uttered the words

    41. A weight lifted from her shoulders as she uttered the words

    42. She then lifted her eyes toward heaven and uttered the strange magic sounds by which spirits are called, meanwhile shaking a tinkling bell

    43. With every word the man uttered the air between them was filled with the stench of rotting onions

    44. They uttered no words, all the while they merely gritted their teeth at the obstacle before them and struck, one after the other

    45. After all, it had been years since she had heard from him, even the Order no longer uttered his name in their punch lines

    46. reply, but the poor girl hadn’t uttered a word to anyone

    47. And so it was that bhabhi uttered:

    48. used to carry in his young days at the lady at which she uttered a

    49. pinched his cheek and presently he uttered a howl

    50. I uttered a cry of joy, at which she shouted back, and told me to

    1. Trying to comfort her, though horribly aware that there is nothing I can say which will make things better, I sit beside her uttering soothing noises, one arm round her shoulders as she sobs for some minutes

    2. We both stood still for an instant, as we clearly heard the witch uttering one of her dreadful spells

    3. Uttering what I hope are soothing words, I pat her neck

    4. The driver is monosyllabic, uttering brief, curt instructions to the animal and barely using the reins

    5. 'They were so crazed those men, they would bite into their glasses and slash their thighs and forearms without uttering a sound

    6. chilling about this man uttering her child’s name

    7. I told her to be a little more considerate before uttering such

    8. Without uttering a word he turned and ran to where his horse was, the exiles and their grief forgotten for the moment

    9. The look was command enough, and neither of them would have ever considered uttering a word to anyone else

    10. If we consider that the firmament was created in a day and that it divided the waters; we may as well assume that God put it there himself, just because he could do whatever he pleased and has the power to do so by just uttering the words

    11. The Rabbi paused, making sure of the silence and respect for the occasion, then he started uttering one of the oldest prayers on earth

    12. The Inquisitor had no intention of uttering a single sentence that could very well be his last and with a series of deep bows and small steps made his way to the staircase as well, being very cautious not to turn his back to the Patriarch at any one point

    13. He was somehow circumnavigating the point in question, never directly touching it, uttering generalities and giving cryptic hints, as if his annotations alone sufficed to make himself understood

    14. Pirru sighed, before uttering a mild curse concerning Mott’s mother

    15. People of my age and older will remember Prime Minister James Callaghan uttering these words on his return to the United Kingdom in the midst of a petrol crisis (if that is what it was)

    16. She shook her head without uttering a word

    17. He touched the Gate uttering the mantra of God, making His sign and kneeling down as the rites required of him

    18. Their driver was invariably focused on the task at hand, barely uttering a word

    19. The quiet words he was uttering seemed useless and empty

    20. ‖ Adam did not miss the tone in Jack‘s voice, and he passed over the pictures Jack without uttering a word

    21. Darrin and Carter walked in without uttering a word

    22. toward them that were with Judas, railing and blaspheming, and uttering such words as were not to be spoken

    23. Andrew pulled away, uttering an expletive as he got off the bed, carrying me with him

    24. Stopping in mid-stride, her grandmother turned to look at her as if she had sprouted a second head uttering an unknown language

    25. Not wanting to say anything out loud she touched Amori’s arm, the two looked at each other for a moment, Leora giving the other female her answer without uttering a word

    26. THE NEXT FEW DAYS, Joyce did not speak to me and went out to school without uttering a word that Monday morning

    27. 14 But those who were within it put such trust in the strength of the walls and provision of victuals that they behaved themselves rudely toward them that were with Judas railing and blaspheming and uttering such words as were not to be spoken

    28. Uttering exclamations of joy with songs of praise and melodious hymns they thanked the God of their fathers the eternal Saviour of Israel

    29. Without uttering a word

    30. The crystals pulsed out their magic and Ragnor quickly kicked away the nearest stone uttering a series of protective words

    31. Both women remained still for a moment, neither of them uttering a word

    32. We arrived in town without uttering a word, and I had

    33. Then in the silence of my room, with arms outstretched and shoulder high, I slowly turned around, about whilst uttering this fervent prayer:

    34. A voice called into the pod uttering just simple words, coming through an amplification

    35. Ruth made a small bow while uttering a strange word, “Annyeong haseyo

    36. They strolled in silence, neither uttering a word since leaving the restaurant

    37. He still hadn't mentioned this thing about him being her biological father but he seemed to have an incline that she already knew that and thus there was no need to be uttering it in words

    38. Although Jesus never forbade his followers to use John's form of prayer, the apostles very early perceived that their Master did not fully approve of the practice of uttering set and formal prayers

    39. "You're leaving Jack City?" She said louder than a whisper before uttering the words that sent shivers rushing down my spine

    40. It is a mere chant that you are uttering, not anything real

    41. She left the room without uttering a single word

    42. After a few more spastic moments of uttering nonsense, I began to feel incredibly comfortable with Cindy

    43. The security officer appeared anxious, not uttering a sound afterwards for the following few minutes

    44. I followed Candy without uttering a word

    45. There will be guides that work with you, no matter if you call upon them or not, and a mental or verbal cue, even as simple as uttering ‘healing energy’ will serve their purpose as well as your own and will indicate the desire to pull this energy into your body and deliver it to a specific area

    46. The driver of the other jeep swerved around a large, insect infest boulder, and upon coming around it had something bipedal ran across his jeep, uttering a quick hawking growl as the light touched its skin

    47. Chris without uttering them

    48. council demanded that he be put to death for uttering such blasphemy

    49. Many people credit Coach Vince Lombardi with uttering the words, “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing

    50. As soon as he finished uttering those words, I felt

    1. SAMANTHA utters a "no"

    2. When he utters his

    3. The Lord utters his voice before his army, for his camp is exceedingly great; he who executes his word is pow-erful

    4. 5 For your mouth utters your iniquity, and you choose the tongue of the crafty

    5. takes away the life of the owners; wisdom cries out; she utters her voice in the streets; She cries in the high places of the streets at the

    6. openings of the gates; in the city she utters her words, saying: How long will you simple ones love simplicity? and how long will the

    7. and he who utters a slander, is the fool; In the multitude of words there wants not sin, but he who restrains his lips is wise

    8. The fool utters all of his mind, but the

    9. 13 When he utters his voice, there is a

    10. 16 When he utters his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the

    11. and the judge asks for a reward; and the great man, he utters his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up

    12. For when the lightning lightens, the thunder utters its voice, and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal, and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand, and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle, and turned back by the power of the spirit, and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong, and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein, and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel, and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it, and that which ascends from it is like smoke, and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers, but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness, and in winter and in summer, and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven, and is connected with the chambers of the rain, and its course is in winter and summer, and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected, and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber, the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out, and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain, and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: 'These two monsters, prepared conformably to the greatness of God, shall feed

    13. “I’m not going anywhere, Alexandra,” she utters in a pained voice

    14. “Sean, we should go,” he utters

    15. For when the lightning lightens the thunder utters its voice and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle and turned back by the power of the spirit and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it and that which ascends from it is like smoke and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness and in winter and in summer and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven and is connected with the chambers of the rain and its course is in winter and summer and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: 'These two monsters prepared conformably to the greatness of God shall feed

    16. 6 All things are before him and nothing has escaped his counsel: 7 Seeing that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows the work of his hands: day to day utters speech and night to night proclaims knowledge; and there is no speech nor language where their voices are not heard

    17. He utters, “Forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing?” It is a

    18. They proceed to beat the crap out of him, nearly killing him, stopping just short of his final collapse because, not only does Brink never stop fighting back, throughout the beating he never utters a sound, not a cry, a groan or a word

    19. Eileen nabs it from her hand, looks at it and utters a gasp

    20. As he slowly begins to understand you more and more, with his last ounce of independent will, he utters something on the order of a regret or a wish… or even a prayer

    21. Power into His hands and raising it above His head, utters in a few sonorous

    22. Finally, the human sufferer begins to see the light of life; his tortured soul ascends to new heights of hope and courage; he may suffer on and even die, but his enlightened soul now utters that cry of triumph, `My Vindicator lives!'

    23. Then, there is the person who utters some bit of

    24. One phrase that John utters has to do with not believing in conspiracies – did I mention that this was also what the novel was about? His comment doesn’t make sense since that’s what he and his better half have gotten themselves into

    25. to his victim and the victim utters something very brief in return

    26. Mohammad supported by the quran, which utters the words of Allah

    27. In another word, He must seek to touch and ascertain the reality and the meaning of the speech he utters witnessing its Facts, and not only to believe in the mere utterance, for the word 'just' in itself symbolizes a meaning, yet it is not the very meaning

    28. "Be afraid of the believer's insight, because he sees by the light of Allah and utters by the guidance of Allah

    29. “Ah !” utters the man, slowly shaking his head in understanding, “it makes it easier to

    30. “Well,” first utters the other, “sometimes I do, but

    31. Then the plaintive brainwashed boy utters the last part of his statement which is a belated apology, and a complete reversal of the actual hidden truth

    32. When no-one is near, he utters: ‘We’ll be back

    33. ’ He utters not a syllable to that effect

    34. In the end, the school provides an all-important device for concluding the series: the leading female character hides inside the locker where the brooms are kept, and the male lead character finds her there and finally utters his “I love you

    35. Indeed, the keynote, not only to Sancho's part, but to the whole book, is struck in the first words Sancho utters when he announces his intention of taking his ass with him

    36. "That is true," said the page, "for Senor Governor Sancho utters them at every turn; and though a great many of them are not to the purpose, still they amuse one, and my lady the duchess and the duke praise them highly

    37. I answered: Of the harmonies I know nothing, but I want to have one warlike, to sound the note or accent which a brave man utters in the hour of danger and stern resolve, or when his cause is failing, and he is going to wounds or death or is overtaken by some other evil, and at every such crisis meets the blows of fortune with firm step and a determination to endure; and another to be used by him in times of peace and freedom of action, when there is no pressure of necessity, and he is seeking to persuade God by prayer, or man by instruction and admonition, or on the other hand, when he is expressing his willingness to yield to persuasion or entreaty or admonition, and which represents him when by prudent conduct he has attained his end, not carried away by his success, but acting moderately and wisely under the circumstances, and acquiescing in the event

    38. I might compare them to a man who should study the tempers and desires of a mighty strong beast who is fed by him--he would learn how to approach and handle him, also at what times and from what causes he is dangerous or the reverse, and what is the meaning of his several cries, and by what sounds, when another utters them, he is soothed or infuriated; and you may suppose further, that when, by continually attending upon him, he has become perfect in all this, he calls his knowledge wisdom, and makes of it a system or art, which he proceeds to teach, although he has no real notion of what he means by the principles or passions of which he is speaking, but calls this honourable and that dishonourable, or good or evil, or just or unjust, all in accordance with the tastes and tempers of the great brute

    39. His forehead was marked with the line that indicates the constant presence of bitter thoughts; he had the fiery eyes that seem to penetrate to the very soul, and the haughty and disdainful upper lip that gives to the words it utters a peculiar character that impresses them on the minds of those to whom they are addressed

    40. The value of a sentence is in the personality which utters it, for nothing new can be said by man or woman; and those were the last words, it seemed to him, that could ever have been spoken by Antonia

    41. Again he runs both hands through his hair, and he utters an oath beneath his breath

    42. Gervais utters a startled little sound

    43. Devon jumps a foot into the air and utters a loud curse

    44. He uplifts his hands, utters furious groans, clenches his nails on the beach, tries to cling fast to that ashes, supports himself on his elbows in order to raise himself from that soft sheath, and sobs frantically; the sand mounts higher

    45. There is one here, for instance, who is almost completely decomposed, but once every six weeks he suddenly utters one word, quite senseless of course, about some bobok,[1] 'Bobok, bobok,' but you see that an imperceptible speck of life is still warm within him

    46. [Suddenly he raises his head from LISA'S knees, and barely utters as if he saw something in front of him

    47. Then they are told that as the child grows it must be taught to pray, which means that he is to stand in front of boards upon which the faces of Christ, the Virgin, and the saints are painted, bow his head and body, while with his right hand, his fingers being folded in a peculiar manner, he touches his forehead, his shoulders, and his stomach, and utters certain Slavonic words, the commonest of which, those which all children learn, are the following: "Mother of God,

    48. For a Christian to promise to subject himself to any government whatsoever—a subjection which may be considered the foundation of State life—is a direct negation of Christianity; since an individual who promises beforehand to obey implicitly every law that men may enact, by that promise utters an emphatic denial of Christianity, whose very essence is obedience in all contingencies to the law which he feels to be within him—the law of love

    49. " And this "Father," who has always been accustomed to believe himself a special and privileged servant of Christ, and who is usually quite unconscious of his false position, enters the room where the recruits who have been admitted are waiting for him; he puts on, as a vestment, a sort of brocade curtain, disengages from it his flowing hair, opens the Bible wherein an oath is forbidden, lifts the cross, that cross on which Christ was crucified for refusing to do what this person, his supposed servant, commands men to do, and all these defenseless and deluded young men repeat after him the lie so familiar to his lips, which he utters with such assurance

    50. goodness knows what they might be up to on the sly” (she meant that they would be kissing), “but as it is, I know every word she utters

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    Synonyme für "utter"

    express give tongue to utter verbalise verbalize mouth speak talk emit let loose let out blank arrant complete consummate double-dyed everlasting gross perfect pure sodding staring stark thorough thoroughgoing unadulterated vocalise vocalize voice say pronounce absolute entire total unconditional unqualified proclaim state deliver promulgate publish