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    venomous snake Beispielsätze

    venomous snake

    1. He accepted the dagger as if it were a venomous snake, unlocked the gate, and trotted into the courtyard

    2. Sitting under a tree on the kerb of a walkway I was unaware of a small, about two thirds of a metre, but highly venomous snake moving along the gutter towards my feet

    3. 5 meters) in length, making them the longest of all venomous snakes

    4. Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes, but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single bite, up to two-tenths of a fluid ounce (seven millilitres), is enough to kill twenty people, or even an elephant

    5. “Well, he happened across a snake—a venomous snake

    6. I think it is a beautiful river, even though out there on those sandbars, you may just as likely find yourself stuck to your waist in quicksand, as to be walking on solid ground, not to mention the nice assortment of venomous snakes and other creepy crawlies to contend with

    7. Long Fei was surrounded by tens of venomous snakes

    8. The lion tried to aid the others but was kept at bay by venomous snakes that threatened to pierce his ankles with their deadly fangs

    9. He carried a walking stick, its principle use being to ward off venomous snakes that were accidently disturbed by the passing of the goats and him

    10. “There are very venomous snakes in this region and sometimes they get into such openings in rocks as this one

    11. That beauty, according to our sense of it, is not universal, must be admitted by every one who will look at some venomous snakes, at some fishes, and at certain hideous bats with a distorted resemblance to the human face

    12. After the rattlesnake, the copper-head snake is the most dreaded in the northern states, being the next largest venomous snake: he is also more common in the cold parts, where the former is very rare

    13. They were both killed in a meadow, and one of them while sleeping coiled up near a fence; a slight stroke of a rod was sufficient, as usual with venomous snakes

    14. It appears that they are killed much easier than the innocent snakes; these are often seen to revive after an apparent death, and do not really die until the next sunset; while venomous snakes do not easily revive, particularly if the head is slightly bruised

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