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    virulence Beispielsätze


    1. Seeing him work that way, as she had never dreamed him capable of doing, Fernanda thought that his stubborn-ness was diligence, his greed abnegation, and his thick-headedness perseverance, and her insides tightened with remorse over the virulence with which she had attacked his idleness

    2. There was brilliance in him few locals could recognize and when he talked of a new viral disease that he ‘vas stadee’ink’, a disease unlike any other in its virulence and morbidity that he had ever seen in his long years in ‘Aafrikaa’ none but Father Gabriel took him seriously

    3. As a mass of people, they spread their personal virulence throughout the world faster, and more effectively because they spread it both individually and as a mass

    4. The evil of the Gourd: the evil of accumulation had become so evil in ancient Egypt; that they hoarded grain, thousands of tones they did not need, and never used, that rotted for years and years until it created such a horde of pestilence and virulence: they were visited by plagues and death and sicknesses over and over… This evil made them worship the cat: it made them worship the same species that used to kill them in Africa: the predatory cats of Africa became worshiped in Egypt as domesticated cats that killed mice in their grain storage vaults: the vaults of greed and death

    5. Dodwell was answered with the utmost virulence by Dr

    6. The plague , which had seemed to retreat during the first three months of 1349, came back in April with redoubled virulence

    7. Fads overtake the world of investment with even greater virulence than women’s clothing, and are equally evanescent

    8. ’ But he could not restrain himself and with the virulence of which only one who loves is capable, evidently suffering himself, he shook his fists at her and screamed:

    9. When the typhus fever had fulfilled its mission of devastation at Lowood, it gradually disappeared from thence; but not till its virulence and the number of its victims had drawn public attention on the school

    10. She would begin accusing first one person, and then another, of bringing this misfortune upon her, and rail at and blame them with the most extraordinary virulence

    11. As to the statement of the defense that Maslova was drawn into a vicious life by an imaginary (he pronounced the word imaginary with particular virulence) man, he could say that all facts rather pointed to her being the seducer of many victims who were unfortunate enough to fall into her hands

    12. ” But he could not restrain himself and with the virulence of which only one who loves is capable, evidently suffering himself, he shook his fists at her and screamed:

    13. The attack or defence of administration, the detection of fault, or even the exposure of crime, are of no importance when brought into competition with the duty of rescuing this House and nation from the guilt of asserting what is false, and making that falsehood the basis of outrage and virulence

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    Synonyme für "virulence"

    virulence virulency