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    waste product Beispielsätze

    waste product

    1. Water flushes out toxins and other metabolic waste products

    2. They assist the primary systems in the body to dispose of waste products

    3. There are some ideas to utilise these waste products in future

    4. waste products, and produces energy

    5. The priests of Asura have a dim inkling of this truth, and so all nail trimmings, hair and other waste products of the persons of the royal family are carefully reduced to ashes and the ashes hidden

    6. Surviving whatsits might have to consume a similar but less favorable food source, and unfortunate ynots may die out altogether because the altered whatsit waste product won’t support the chemical reactions necessary to ynot life

    7. Also lacking are circulatory and digestive systems, as fuel and waste products diffuse directly through the walls of individual cells from and to circulating ocean water

    8. Both the oil refining and electric generating processes produce a great amount of air pollution and other toxic waste products

    9. and water, with oxygen produced as a waste product

    10. There was still meat being produced on the KOSTROMA, with waste products from gardens and fish ponds used to feed the animals, but the emphasis had been deliberately put on dairy and poultry production, in order to provide a balanced menu to the occupants of the ship

    11. It is essentially a way of recycling amino acids from waste products

    12. Why? Because it allows them to render the waste products from the human food

    13. The energy sector has a significant impact on the environment in many different ways at all stages of energy development, production, final use, and disposal of any waste products

    14. Atheroma occurs when a buildup of liquid and semi-solid products (similar in texture to gruel), including cholesterol and other waste products associated with inflammation, forms ‘plaque’ in your artery walls

    15. If it bursts, the waste products trigger the clotting of the blood, which blocks the artery, causing a heart attack or stroke

    16. In that love is caring for others, there is no waste product generated, only gift given and life nourished

    17. from the mother's bloodstream and waste products

    18. that the excess "gunk" (or whatever the waste products of the pellets is called) is skimmed out

    19. Water flushes out toxins and other metabolic waste products from the body

    20. The instant Brazilian ranchers cannot use a piece of cleared rainforest anymore to raise their cattle on: leaving the previously owned land behind; devastated, and destroyed… as a waste product of their ranching lifestyle

    21. Don’t let them see how the toys and crap you bought for them were made and how all the plastic factories that make these toys are poisoning the entire earth with their toxic effluent waste products and poisoning the ground waters of the earth

    22. Other animals keep their water clean: by not mixing it with waste products were never designed to be processed by water

    23. For thousands of years; Human cities have suffered plagues and epidemics and diseases before they found a way to conveniently get rid of their own waste products and dump it somewhere else

    24. Using the ground water for themselves only once: then poisoning that water irretrievably with their civilized waste products and pouring back into the sacred acre of earth… to leach slowly into the streams and watersheds and rivers until the entire earth’s oceans have become septic, toxically poisoned by the chemicals these acres of poisoned land seep into the waters of the earth

    25. Every evolution of life causally created and produced the next logical evolution of life right up to humans building poisonous nuclear reactors that produce so much poisonous waste products that cannot be used: the earth will be poisoned with out nuclear waste for hundreds of millions of years before they rot and decompose enough to stop killing all living things on contact with it

    26. The raise in blood activity level will ensure that adequate nutrition is delivered throughout the body while a boost in the movement of lymph fluids can bring about waste product removal

    27. Body detoxification is considered to be a very potent medium in flushing out all forms of waste products out of the body

    28. You cannot trade with your gut because it has an odorous waste product from the digestive tract for brains

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