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    wears Beispielsätze


    1. He is dressed in thobe and ghutra, wears midnight frames

    2. A good Wilton never wears out, and the furniture, if a little on the traditionally

    3. ’ I replied as the dizziness gradually wears off

    4. She usually wears a white blouse painted by her, like this:

    5. "Like you only blond, wears a pony-tail more often but isn't into electronics

    6. I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes

    7. great once the effect of the drinks wears off

    8. I try rubbing the back of my head hard and, for a moment, the pounding eases, only to come back with a vengeance as soon as the effect of the pressure wears off

    9. God, who wears ivory dresses anymore? That's so yesterday

    10. when the drug wears off, the symptoms often return,

    11. The woman in the photo has what I can only describe as a delicate skull cap made up of tiny flowers and leaves which she wears over her perfectly straight hair

    12. Frequent change wears a person out

    13. It wears me out

    14. She wears no make up and has skimmed her hair with the brush

    15. “Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out

    16. “A thin guy that wears bulky clothes?” he asked

    17. “I’ll show you as the after-lunch wears on

    18. The same people will buy a new tape when the old one wears out

    19. “I don’t think so, once the novelty wears off he’s going to cast Chirla off the same as everyone else

    20. People hear the message of the world day after day and it wears on the soul

    21. He wears a clean clout and braids his waist-length hair around his head when he cooks

    22. wears off after a while and does them no lasting harm

    23. He repeated, “Tell the man who wears a cowboy

    24. It’s consumer nirvana! But being subject to Earthly gravity as we are, we will come crashing down once the object of our desire is secured and the novelty wears off

    25. Does all that moment-by-moment lung action result in mostly huffing and puffing that wears you down, or is it more of a nice-n-easy, in-and-out flow that pumps you up?

    26. The Matriarch only wears Isin's productions you know

    27. The problem for runners and other athletes, who crave the high from pushing their bodies hard, is that the body wears out

    28. He sometimes wears a chef’s hat in his product promotions and offers lots of his “Recipes For Success”

    29. “His cloak is made of camel"s hair and he wears a leather belt around his waist

    30. In sunlight and in moonlight, my cat wears the plush sheen of pussy willow

    31. Can be an interesting exercise, thus ruining Shakespeare: Uneasy lies the head that wears the curlers

    32. He wears the dark coat, trousers, and boots of an Alit’aren during training though other times he walks the halls of Nordhel in the bright silks and bare feet as is typical of the Sea Immortals

    33. He also wears two fat golden rings in each ear which mark him as a Shorewarden amongst his people

    34. She usually wears baggy trousers tucked into knee-high leather boots with a coat and sword belt

    35. " "And Manna wears brown

    36. What else must you think when she wears a see-through gown and say “Oh I am so glad to see you but the suspects ran away an hour before I called

    37. He wears TRUTH as a garment! And GLORY is His vesture!

    38. During weekends most Expats wears shorts and sandals

    39. Thus a Policeman in Cape Town wears the same uniform as in Johannesburg and is part of the same Police and has the same powers

    40. A marginalized person, maybe a handyman, the kind of guy who wears a ball cap in the shower

    41. “He wears a striped blue top underneath layers of furs and heavy chains around his neck

    42. He then opened a cabinet of sorts, revealing a large number of what appeared to be very silly hats, the kind the Pope wears

    43. Whoever it was that said the devil wears the disguise of the most beautiful must have been well acquainted with Caroline Steepleton

    44. he wears, they bare the symbol of the Dukes house

    45. The man driving wears a hat, a beard, and a smile

    46. These are the clothes my faction wears

    47. My mother, I see, wears the same smile I do

    48. He wears black shorts

    49. She wears a smug smile

    50. The wind slowly wears the sandstone and clay is deposited on bones-sandstone and clay that are now part of the soil

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