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    work hard Beispielsätze

    work hard

    1. when you work hard!” When she has completed something related to

    2. We work hard; you flit around without a care

    3. When you invest in a mutual fund, you do not have to work hard in rotating your money from one scheme to another

    4. Plough: It is a symbol of success in business and financial affairs, provided that you work hard

    5. Shells: Full shells indicate success, provided that you work hard for it; empty shells bode vain hopes and loss of money

    6. those who are prepared to work hard,

    7. Jack knew that today he might need to work harder than ever before

    8. They taught us from when we were the smallest of children to see and hear and smell the world around us, to work hard without expectation, to approach the world around us reasonably, to see the best in the people we knew---to hope for the rest and to walk with our heads held high

    9. My people work harder than even the Ancients, but we are no more than a handful, whereas they were thousands

    10. From this, it will be crystal clear that you need to continually work hard to drive ever more traffic to your squeeze page, whilst also getting started as soon as practical with split testing to improve your conversion rate, as I mentioned earlier

    11. She had to work harder than the other students but she got the grades eventually

    12. especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching

    13. “Work hard and play hard,” he repeated as Jack put his arm

    14. However, this increase in fluid retention makes the heart work harder which can increase blood pressure and even bring on a heart attack

    15. make it online and they want fast results, but the truth is that you have to work hard for

    16. it that causes us to work harder and better? He comes

    17. “If that is the best you can do for a compliment, you better work harder!

    18. They will work hard to stay on it

    19. It also entails being willing to be positive and to work hard

    20. I often heard Akito chewing Nina out about her progress, and encouraging her to work harder

    21. Its stands to reason that in order to obtain these riches one must work hard at

    22. “Never, you have to work hard at winning, that’s always been my motto

    23. Insurgents grasping for power work hard to project onto those who oppose them vivid images of the tactics and goals they themselves pursue

    24. We are merely challenged to conform, relent, tolerate, work harder, have more faith, and be more charitable

    25. My drive to work harder had boosted the department’s turnover dramatically last year and I got promoted to head of marketing

    26. abilities to carry out duties, thereby, relying upon men to work harder and were

    27. To counter this, work hard at all the elements in

    28. So, with this in mind, ensure that you work hard on

    29. work hard at all the elements in this book

    30. “For 41 years, my operating principle was to work hard, play hard and spend some time as a father,” he stated, and if there was ever a case of “Do as I say, not as I did, this is it

    31. they were on his land to work hard

    32. More visible, low ranking airmen and company grade officers, lieutenants and captains, could never screw off, only work hard

    33. "You know," he said, as they walked back to the hooch in the dark, "I think you guys work harder up here than we do at Bien Hoa

    34. We work hard to partner with companies that we believe in, have built a relationship with, and have worked with in the past

    35. You go to school, then you work hard to get good grades

    36. If you didn’t work hard every day and you didn’t actively contribute to society, you would be left behind and become unable to look after yourself or your family

    37. We're having to work harder to stay ahead of these guys lately

    38. He knew that he was already totally surrounded so he would make them work hard for their pay today

    39. Work hard, apply your rationality to the problems of nature, create wealth, become independent of the state and you will be attacked, looted and penalised to the maximum ability of the state under threat of imprisonment

    40. I just need to work harder, faster or smarter

    41. We tried to keep away, but one day we had to work hard for our meal

    42. You can work hard

    43. Work hard on marketing and promoting, but not to the detriment of the writing

    44. Keep going with this course, work hard on getting to where you want to be and things will improve

    45. Sorry chaps but you are going to have to work harder at it than that

    46. It’s essential, especially at the beginning, but you have to hang in there and work hard to gain the real benefits

    47. Most of us have to work hard to attain that state


    49. Ruth had to work hard to hide her anxiety at this remark but hide it she did

    50. Most of them would never get out of that rut and lived lonely lives that were only punctuated by the social life that devoured the money they often had to work hard for

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