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    Use "ablaze" in a sentence

    ablaze example sentences


    1. and cities ablaze with red fire

    2. The whole of the country was ablaze with talk of the Grand

    3. “But what are Dragons like?” Tom pressed, his eyes ablaze

    4. An instant later Johnny’s backside was ablaze

    5. The town was ablaze in many places, and

    6. She was ablaze in the Oneness

    7. “Please leave me alone!” she said firmly, her eyes ablaze with a rage very unlike her

    8. He responded in kind and became ablaze with desire for her, his hands roaming over her slender waist and down to her buttocks

    9. She’d never reach the fog in time before they were ablaze

    10. “It seems to me that I stumbled in a bit too soon! Were you two about to have an orgy?” Her eyes were ablaze with fury as she looked from one to the other

    11. I watched her strut away, saluting in the dust sprinkled air, while sunrays, like flares, lit the battlefield ablaze with the fall of a noble queen

    12. The black sky was ablaze with stars, which reminded her of the earlier conversation with Brock

    13. As famine spreads forth across the land, My heart is rent inside Me over the hardness of men’s hearts! As My face fills with the heat of My fury, My eyes are set ablaze with fire, over that which I see!

    14. The Germans set the building ablaze, which forced the fighters to come out with their hands raised

    15. I rocked slightly at the touch, my mind ablaze with his madness even as I intellectually rejected everything that he had said

    16. All your senses are ablaze with the passion of living at death’s door

    17. All the while I was busy conquering the whole world from behind the scenes, only to set it ablaze in a great pyre of religious fervor without even once blooding my own hands, that bastard’s son had created a new continent across the northern ocean

    18. The last rays of a dying sun set ablaze the golden tan skin of him who had at last stopped, seeming to enjoy its multi-hewed departure

    19. His eyes were like fires ablaze in the darkness and his hands sent streams of fire through her wherever they touched

    20. down her arms, catching the trench coat that Cinder wore ablaze

    21. It had been thirteen days since Rajiv’s body had been set ablaze, the standard mourning period

    22. The blood-red lighting, still ablaze, plunged the train

    23. Then the mounted tumen rode up and fired flaming arrows into the village setting everything ablaze

    24. All the houses were burned, all of the horses dead, and the whole forest ablaze

    25. Bulls are speared and their horns set ablaze for the purpose of enraging them to

    26. few moments, in which my ablaze father was lurching towards me

    27. Ablaze beyond the black roofs of the square

    28. He wants us to be living flames of fire, consumed with the fire of His holiness, setting ablaze all that are around us, and causing the world to be confronted by the realities of God’s love! I see way too many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord sacrificing spending time with God to do things that have very little to no eternal value

    29. Its weapons ablaze, shredding the nearest Rotham ship like it was made of paper—the only ship standing between it and the one holding them prisoner

    30. Although we, as men, will place physical beauty high on our list of desirable traits, it falls to second place when we consider the highest state of love is the romantic connection that sets our souls ablaze

    31. The flames are instant, ablaze in all of their red, blue, yellow and orange splendor

    32. Blossom came charging towards them, teeth bared and eyes ablaze with fury

    33. The flames had spread rapidly, and now the thatched farmhouse roof was ablaze

    34. The farmhouse was no longer ablaze, but a large portion of the building was charred and blackened, and almost half of the roof had collapsed

    35. My mother, a radiating inferno amidst a field of flames, had set the entire town ablaze, freeing all the righteous

    36. Outside, there was a car, crashed and all ablaze

    37. I am a hunter!” he cried with his hands ablaze

    38. High above the Empire State Building, Olympus was its own island of light, a floating mountain ablaze with torches and braziers, white marble palaces gleaming in the early morning air

    39. Instead, I praised his moral rectitude, thanked him for his warning and set off for the Mays’ – imagination ablaze with tales of noble lust

    40. The mercenaries set forth toward the Crossroads that same evening with torches ablaze

    41. The detritus he collected in a pile in the central courtyard and set it ablaze

    42. Out of the dark there loomed its eyes ablaze with hatred’s wickedness

    43. The sky, in which We were afloat, reflected on the marble floor the beauty of a nebula ablaze in gold and turquoise hues

    44. ‘That’s where we’re headed,’ Jar said softly, pointing down the almost vertical cliff towards the setting sun, which shone directly into a blind canyon a hundred metres below, setting ablaze a small waterfall leaping from rocks into a pool beside a clearing containing a number of large boulders

    45. The hood of Sorid’s cloak fell back and he stuck his face out at Jai, grinning like some hideous jack-o-lantern, deep fires ablaze behind a shell of bone

    46. The red dragon rose above him with three heads setting the sky ablaze where before there had been only one

    47. The lanterns in the room were suddenly ablaze and she could here water rushing into the room

    48. The house appeared to be aglow but they realized that the lanterns that had been lit in the house were ablaze as the ones outside were starting to do the same

    49. “I told you to turn out that goddamned light! There is no reason to have the house ablaze with electricity at this time of night, burning up money

    50. Losing no time, Gautam pressed the button for the trusted aides to set the Ocean ablaze

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    Synonyms for "ablaze"

    excited vehement intense heated exhilarated eager blazing on fire lighted aflame flaming fiery