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    accessory example sentences


    1. Maybe Bram had been equipped with such an accessory, given the

    2. mask and cape, his only other accessory a giant wand

    3. In a way, every other human being can only be seen as an accessory to one's life

    4. The disproportion would have been too great between the value of the accessory and that of the principal

    5. bars in a federal fortress and charged with being an accessory to the murder of Abraham Lincoln

    6. masterminding the crime should not be held liable as an accessory before the fact constitutes a gross miscarriage of justice

    7. In this, man is the first to be created -because he was the most important in this phase- and then God deals with the accessory, plants and animals

    8. would actually wear a sweater over my shoulders as an accessory?

    9. In the time when Simon had served the Lammas Lord as lover and accessory to murder, no matter how grim the day-cycle, there had always been life here

    10. Maybe he was an accessory rather than a soldier

    11. In essence the ten million pounds which you took had been raised by a money laundering process, and you were an accessory

    12. suspended in the accessory,

    13. helping me, she becomes an accessory to murder

    14. Can’t she be tried for being an accessory or something?”

    15. making our Country an accessory to murder! – had they not been rescued!…what would Beijing have said

    16. He was also told how the Diving Platform above the “oil-site” had been blown up and had the Kanes and the Russian not been rescued, he would have been an accessory to murder! - this made him realise just how much he had been used and duped by his devious partner

    17. A lady knows that her smile is her best accessory

    18. It was hardly a designer city fashion accessory fit for London but it was the only bag she could find in the house big enough to take her laptop and the bulletproof vest

    19. “Please have the accessory kits sent to the conference room

    20. “Mostly it’s what’s in the accessory kits that makes them special

    21. Friend of the dispossessed, shroud of evil, accessory to theft, violence, drunkenness, lust

    22. playful story, touch an accessory that she's wearing, touch her back as you tell her a story, tease

    23. was offered immunity from prosecution as an accessory to the murder, in

    24. the man asked, the more Brock felt he was serving as an accessory to

    25. Carla knew these were no Barbie dolls; they were probably Russian fashion accessory bodyguards

    26. If they should find something that will help our investigation before you decide to cooperation, I’m afraid there won’t be much I can do to help persuade the district attorney not to charge you as an accessory

    27. Her glasses are more of an accessory, since they are in the middle of the nose

    28. For this reason, serious campers often fit a second, high-capacity accessory battery in their vehicle, or (where permitted) use a 240 volt generator

    29. "Wait a minute! Did you say I'm under arrest as an accessory to embezzlement?"

    30. could wind up in jail as an accessory

    31. accessory to the embezzlement

    32. “That’s because she’s an accessory to her cousin Dana’s unborn baby killings!”

    33. “Me?! An accessory to their baby killings? Why?! I had nothing to do with Dana’s abortions Candis! I wasn’t there!”

    34. We could book you for accessory, but we need the cell space

    35. value, easy-to-use security hardware and related accessory

    36. Furthermore, I should mention since your son is a minor, you could also be easily considered as an Accessory to the Fact

    37. These are the biggest, most robust motorbikes on sale in India and the big luggage rack makes an indispensable accessory for long distance travelling

    38. was nicked, the police talked about reducing the charges against me to “being an accessory” if

    39. issue at hand, even Krishn is about to become an accessory to the crime

    40. What will you, we, I do with love? How will love feel? Will we still desire it? Will love be a core organizing principle for creating social well-being? What love will we conceive; what love will we will; what will be the affects and effects of our x-loving towards y- goal? To what extent will we value love? Is it the pinnacle of human experience and social interaction? Is it the ideal we aspire towards in all aspects of existence? Or is it an attribute of a certain style of living; is it sexual companionship; is it humane rearing of the nation’s children – is it only personal; is it a mere accessory to a life that requires much more than love and where love, itself, in other than certain designated areas, is inappropriate and undesired?


    42. Though Ellie harbored some doubts the woman was as shocked by the discovery of her husband’s actions as she’d claimed, there was simply not enough evidence to charge her as an accessory

    43. “It’s too late for that now, I’m an accessory to twenty counts of murder, and I can’t leave!” Doran yelled

    44. Her mother wore her frosted hair pulled back in the thick brown headband that had become her staple accessory

    45. “Ever hear the term accessory?” Kathy asked

    46. “They charged her with accessory to murder, along with Isaac

    47. Although it's not a functional weapon, but more of a ceremonial accessory, it is our family heirloom

    48. She stopped and squatted trying to find the minuscule piece of accessory on the floor around her

    49. Unfortunately, with the accessory fuse pulled, the radar detector and jamming device were rendered useless

    50. Wilson can be charged for his participation, whether it’s committing the act or as an accessory

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    Synonyms for "accessory"

    accessory add-on appurtenance supplement accouterment accoutrement accessary adjunct adjuvant ancillary appurtenant auxiliary subsidiary assistant attaché helper confederate adjutant

    "accessory" definitions

    clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing

    a supplementary component that improves capability

    someone who helps another person commit a crime

    aiding and abetting in a crime

    furnishing added support