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    aide-de-camp example sentences


    1. Larkey’s aide-de-camp to know everything—and I mean everything—that happens on the Calamity, even who steps aboard,” continued Fysto, his eyes still whizzing up and down and all over the deck

    2. “This is Prince Sakahaji,” said my aide-de-camp, in a formal tone that indicated he wasn’t kidding

    3. He left orders for his aide-de-camp that he was not to be disturbed or communicated to in any way while he was out having his walk

    4. Your aide-de-camps was quite adamant, though somewhat hesitant

    5. He went for his bell in order to let his aide-de-camp know he wanted some uwe urgently but before he could do that, as if by a miracle or a mind-reading ability that the Major had not exhibited so far, he saw Guighan enter through the door in a hurried fashion, stand to one side, salute briskly and click the heels of his boots tucking his sword away with his free hand

    6. I wandered over and presented myself to the aide-de-camp

    7. Armed and uniformed men ran to him but he shouldered them aside to run into the offices of the General Aide-De-Camp, a man named Lord Allemande

    8. “Where’s Tolliver?” The aide-de-camp questioned, looking around the room as if I had hidden him

    9. Uniforms complete with scarlet wool and gold braid, obviously belonging to a fancy aide-de-camp of my grandfather’s

    10. Entering the town hall with Laplante and his Aide-De-Camp, De Gaulle was met at the foot of the monumental ceremonial staircase by a small man in civilian suit pushed forward by a Free French soldier

    11. Nancy was left to wait with Dowding�s Aide-De-Camp in the operations room for what seemed to her like an eternity

    12. An aide-de-camp hurriedly brought in extra chairs, then left Nancy with Churchill, Dowding and Jones sitting in a semi-circle around her bed

    13. � Once at the foot of Durling�s bed, the monarch made a sign to his aide-de-camp, who started reading from an official citation

    14. � The king�s aide-de-camp then started reading from a second citation

    15. � Her modesty was in for more battering, as the aide-de-camp started reading from a third citation

    16. Rather than have the poor quartermaster thinking I�m obsessed with emergency rations, here�s a new disguise � as of right now, you are now my aide-de-camp

    17. 1-4: edecán: a corruption of the French aide-de-camp

    18. Her attitude was almost that of a soldier on duty; an aide-de-camp to a general

    19. Fearfully rich, handsome, great connections, an aide-de-camp, and with all that a very nice, good-natured fellow

    20. ‘Bill!’ he called, and he went into the next room where he promptly came across and aide-de-camp of his acquaintance and dropped into conversation with him about an actress and her protector

    21. And at once in the conversation with the aide-de-camp Oblonsky had a sense of relaxation and relief after the conversation with Levin,

    22. He even pushed his attentions so far as to desire the aide-de-camp at his side (a thick-set, short captain with a Tartar physiognomy) to bring along a corporal with a file of men in front of the carriage, lest the crowd in its backward surges should "incommode the mules of the senora

    23. ‘And what a well-preserved man he was!’ remarked the aide-de-camp

    24. He took the glove in silence from the aide-de-camp, and sat down in the lady’s chair, placing his huge hands symmetrically on his knees in the naive attitude of an Egyptian statue, and decided in his own mind that all was as it should be, and that in order not to lose his head and do foolish things he must not act on his own ideas tonight, but must yield himself up

    25. Behind him stood the aide-de-camp, the doctors, and the menservants; the men and women had separated as in church

    26. The aide-de-camp was sent to confirm the order which had not been clearly worded the day before, namely, that the commander in chief wished to see the regiment just in the state in which it had been on the march: in their greatcoats, and packs, and without any preparation whatever

    27. Though the aide-de-camp did not know these circumstances, he nevertheless delivered the definite order that the men should be in their greatcoats and in marching order, and that the commander in chief would otherwise be dissatisfied

    28. Coming out of Kutuzov’s room into the waiting room with the papers in his hand Prince Andrew came up to his comrade, the aide-de-camp on duty, Kozlovski, who was sitting at the window with a book

    29. Aide-de-camp! Help me!

    30. The Russian Emperor’s aide-de-camp is an impostor

    31. The Austrians let themselves be tricked at the crossing of the Vienna bridge, you are letting yourself be tricked by an aide-de-camp of the Emperor

    32. ‘I was there,’ said Rostov angrily, as if intending to insult the aide-de-camp

    33. He was aide-de-camp to a very important personage, had been sent on a very important mission to Prussia, and had just returned from there as a special messenger

    34. In the Finnish war he also managed to distinguish killed an aide-de-camp standing near the commander in chief and had taken it to his commander

    35. A worried aide-de-camp ran up to the Rostovs requesting them to stand farther back, though as it was they were already close to the wall, and from the gallery resounded the distinct, precise, enticingly rhythmical strains of a waltz

    36. The aide-de-camp, an adept in his art, grasping his partner firmly round her waist, with confident deliberation started smoothly, gliding first round the edge of the circle, then at the corner of the room he caught Helene’s left hand and turned her, the only sound audible, apart from the ever-quickening music, being the rhythmic click of the spurs on his rapid, agile feet, while at every third beat his partner’s velvet dress spread out and seemed to flash as she whirled round

    37. After Prince Andrew, Boris came up to ask Natasha for dance, and then the aide-de-camp who had opened the ball, and several other young men, so that, flushed and happy, and passing on her superfluous partners to Sonya, she did not cease dancing all the evening

    38. As soon as the aide-de-camp had said this, the old mustached officer, with happy face and sparkling eyes, raised his saber, shouted ‘Vivat!’ and, commanding the Uhlans to follow him, spurred his horse and galloped into the river

    39. Boris Drubetskoy, having left his wife in Moscow and being for the present en garcon (as he phrased it), was also there and, though not an aide-de-camp, had subscribed a large sum toward the expenses

    40. The whole army feels great suspicion of the Imperial aide-de-camp Wolzogen

    41. ‘No prisoners!’ said he, repeating the aide-de-camp’s words

    42. ‘Yes, sire,’ and the aide-de-camp disappeared through the door of the tent

    43. He took his seat beside the aide-de-camp on duty and drove into the suburb

    44. His aide-de-camp, Gordon, fell at his side

    45. Aide-de-camp Bernard carried them the Emperor's orders

    46. The aide-de-camp who entered found him with his head resting on his hand

    47. “His aide-de-camp was kept busy in receiving and delivering his orders

    48. This unfortunate officer was Napoleon’s aide-de-camp, Gourgot, who afterwards bitterly lamented the loss of his watch, which he valued for its associations

    49. The narrative of Kerbeletzky, a Russian chinovnik, who was captured on the way to Moscow and brought before Napoleon, is interesting in its naïveté and simplicity—“The Duc d’Istry, Napoleon’s State Secretary de Laurent, and his Polish aide-de-camp Lieutenant-Colonel Welsowicz, questioned me on the morning of September 1, in great detail, not only as to the number and disposition of all our armies, and the movements and performances of each of them, but also as to the intentions entertained by our Government with regard to peace

    50. He soon recovered himself and was about to continue the review, when an aide-de-camp from Murat came galloping up with the information that the King’s first line had been taken by surprise and routed; that his left flank had been surrounded under cover of the woods, his right attacked, and his communications cut

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