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    become of example sentences

    become of

    1. 'And me, mama – what will become of me?' asked

    2. 'What's to become of me, Jean? What have I done to

    3. 'What will become of her?' asked Jean

    4. Those who are in the place of intense warfare can become offended, or the people who gain the victory and are criticized for it can be offended, both of them because of misunderstanding

    5. He hated to think what would have become of

    6. what had become of Pierre

    7. He sent for the vizir, and asked what had become of the palace

    8. After he had kissed her Aladdin said: “I beg of you, Princess, in God’s name, tell me what has become of an old lamp I left on the window, when I went hunting

    9. But she often wondered what had become of her

    10. Alana wondered what had become of her

    11. But to what end? What was to become of him when the living were no more? The Elder Gods’ plan to regenerate and repopulate the worlds moved at a stagnant pace

    12. He couldn’t remember what had become of it

    13. what has become of our great goddess?” She asked in a breathy murmur

    14. Those metals, they say, having become of less value themselves, the use of any particular portion of them necessarily became of less value too, and, consequently, the price which could be paid for it

    15. But nearly all of them were wondering what had become of not only their Guild Master and the promising recruit, but now also Brynjolf – who had for years been a steady second hand at the helm

    16. How long ago had this message been written? Was she still alive? Did she have children and if so, what had become of them?

    17. mostly what had become of me the previous seventeen years

    18. “You threaten my Temple? Are your crimes not enough as it is? Do you have any idea what will become of you if anyone discovers what you are up to?”

    19. then,’ thought she, ‘what would become of me? They’re dreadfully fond of

    20. She did it so quickly that the poor little juror (it was Bill, the Lizard) could not make out at all what had become of it; so, after hunting all about for it, he was obliged to write with one finger for the rest of the day; and this was of very little use, as it left no mark on the slate

    21. What would become of you?

    22. kitchen servants, Raven Guardians of low rank, what had become of his brother, for usually babes

    23. What will become of us now that we are free of those Chains?”

    24. ‘What's become of him, then?’

    25. wondering in our hearts what could have become of the tree

    26. innumerable individual assaults, what would become of them? My fortune

    27. keeping up our hearts I don't know what would have become of us," she

    28. That he or she should not be held accountable in some manner begs the question: What has become of good old fashioned common sense? A

    29. As a sports fan who came of age in the sixties, I often ask myself, what have become of the Larry Czonka‘s or the Bill Riggins‘ or the Jerry West‘s or Rick Barry‘s, White Athletes who once dominated their respected sports? Is it conceivable that, in a day and age when the financial rewards are exceptionally high, (White‘s) have suddenly lost their competitive spark? Or could it be that many have fallen victim, in their own right, to stereotypical standards that seem to favor skill specific attributes like speed or vertical aptitude above other, less ―remarkable‖ qualities equally essential for performing on a higher level? Will such patterns eventually mandate the same type of protective status for Whites that are presently afforded to African Americans and other racial minorities competing in the public and private sectors? The latter is a stretch, granted

    30. Notes were found among Dearling’s possessions that referred to $600,000 he anticipated receiving when two certain checks cleared, but investigators couldn’t understand what had become of them

    31. Dad had passed away many years ago and Steve did not know what had become of Stan Willett

    32. What had become of his cousin that he’d run his life into such a quagmire that each choice was grimmer than the last? The nets were pulled free and all three stepped back, squinting into the dazzling brilliance: five hundred eighty-seven snow-white kilos of cocaine reflected the full midday glare of Caribbean sunshine

    33. As for where the prostitute was, or what had become of her, that was “anybody’s guess,” Sylvia interjected, but added that she didn’t think there was much to be concerned about from her

    34. What would become of them then though? What had his mind devised? What end did the extravagant machinations serve

    35. What would become of that vision now that everything seemed to crumble like a wall of dried mud around her? She felt the child kick with vigor, blissfully unaware of what was transpiring in the world it would be born in soon

    36. Only in retrospect had Keinalone learned what had become of the tribe who had slunk away after a leaderless skirmish

    37. By 1938, both her sons had left the family business in the hands of managers to become officers in the Wehrmacht

    38. If you leave, what will become of us?”

    39. What will become of the past's tunnels

    40. What will become of Lani and Khevasiah"s relationship?

    41. What had become of the humans’ fear, of their ignorance? Now it was merely replaced with anger and fury! What had caused this change? Araltall placed his arms around her when some of the followers turned down the street towards them

    42. 3 And take with you ten loaves, and cracknels, and a cruse of honey, and go to him, he shall tell you what shall become of the child

    43. What had become of the birds there? And the fairies? Ikati liked to stretch out on the bench alongside me, obviously in complete agreement that this was the loveliest place he had ever seen

    44. "I don't know what's going to become of you youngsters when I'm gone

    45. 11 And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the women's house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her

    46. Amelia, his sweet temptress, what had become of her? She’d be pissed when she realized he’d left her to the wolves

    47. I asked if anyone had mentioned what had become of me since

    48. I had to wonder what would become of me, but decided not to worry about it any more

    49. side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the city

    50. “What has become of Ignace?”

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