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    Use "belittling" in a sentence

    belittling example sentences


    1. During those five days of vacations, Helen didn't stop for a minute criticizing or belittling me over trifles

    2. She'd said she was sorry, for belittling him in front of his son

    3. anger constructively in communicating our needs without belittling or destroying

    4. Yeah, we know how that one turned out and I am not belittling Mr Roosevelt before you get upset for I admire all U

    5. “After we do IT baby, you’re supposed to smoke … haven’t you seen any movies in your life before,” he said in a belittling tone, “… after you have sex you’re supposed to smoke a cigarette … any girl of mine needs to know how to smoke a cigarette after we have sex

    6. The man accused Steele of belittling the achievements of that and similar programs designed to assist blacks

    7. “Would you not wish to? He has spent years of his life belittling me and taking what is mine

    8. She didn't attend to Dory's carping, to her belittling six-hundred bucks as slave wages, but she responded to the other women as they attempted to gratify their curiosity

    9. How belittling, she

    10. was belittling him, it seemed

    11. Praise was redundant, embarrassing, patronizing and belittling

    12. Standing beside them, talking real gentle to them in a completely belittling tone, was Peter

    13. Without belittling their origins I will present a very

    14. Without belittling their origins I will

    15. The Count changed his tone in asking why Marisha was belittling Polish arms

    16. You cannot remain in the presence of a mocking, laughing, belittling, putting down person

    17. It would help if you got rid of all negative, scorning, mocking, belittling stuff that you're exposed to

    18. Some of you would have been in school, and would have had words belittling you because of the way you looked, some defect, some kind of thing you couldn't do, maybe it was a reading problem, maybe it was some other kind of thing

    19. ” she said questioningly, feeling she was reciting the obvious and not wanting to sound belittling

    20. accuses the other, in venomous and belittling terms, of lacking

    21. I think the key here is that the "asshole" has no empathy for the person they are belittling and are so centered on their own agendas that they

    22. Part of him believed that Mitch thought he was protecting her, belittling how much she meant to him

    23. As I told you before, the seeds were planted in China by the British who caused ruin and humiliation with their cargoes of opium and their belittling domination of my people

    24. belittling him for not seeing them

    25. � She attended the class, didn't do much, and she received her "cute" and belittling grade

    26. Being head of the house hold is not belittling nor is it a

    27. After belittling Rogers, Shultz and the cabinet in general, Nixon then four months later to the day orchestrated one of the supreme presidential stroking sessions

    28. belittling remark about her, so naturally it seems strange to me that you should elect to do the unselfish thing and stay here with her during this shelling

    29. This night the woman of his belittling deprecations was thinking how great and good her husband was

    30. Admitting you’ve a belittling prick for a father can scarcely hurt your case with our Karyl

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    Synonyms for "belittling"

    belittling denigration deprecating deprecative deprecatory depreciative depreciatory slighting

    "belittling" definitions

    a belittling comment

    the act of belittling

    tending to diminish or disparage