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    Use "blithely" in a sentence

    blithely example sentences


    1. That one simple, blithely delivered statement rocked me back on my heels

    2. “Yes, of course,” Bram replied blithely

    3. With that, the Sergeant blithely strode off the way he had come

    4. The residents of Lennox seemed blithely unaware that change could happen

    5. I then blithely returned to the others and sat down as if nothing had happened

    6. "The thoughts to which he gave expression in the very few incomparable war sonnets which he has left behind will be shared by many thousands of young men moving resolutely and blithely forward into this, the hardest, the cruellest, and the least-rewarded of all the wars that men have fought

    7. And there were thousands to behold, now falling ‘round Me everywhere, most passing blithely down and down to land upon the Sea below

    8. “What?” Foche asked blithely

    9. I shuddered as the Wizard continued blithely on, only stopping halfway across when he realized I was not with him

    10. Reluctantly, Anna had gone overseas with him on what Henson had blithely called a "domestic" cover

    11. Ambassador Kirkland blithely sipped his coffee before continuing

    12. He Blithely Charmed The

    13. Amused by the young woman’s curiosity in such matters, Elizabeth obliged in a serious tone, as she never took the supernatural blithely

    14. blithely when they saw two cute little bunnies race out in

    15. The Chief Inspector turned to Detective Constable John Parker who was still blithely unaware of what was about to take place

    16. He was so blithely unconcerned about what they thought

    17. But whether we blindly lost it, blithely surrendered it, or had it surreptitiously stolen, the common spaces of anonymity have been invaded with the emergence of the ubiquitous eye

    18. Kathy was embarrassingly aware of Joel and the others’ struggle to keep straight faces, as her mother blithely continued on, unaware that she had more of an audience than her daughter listening in on her lecture

    19. Why is it that after einstein proved scientifically to all the world: that everything in the universe is Relative: … literally everyone, including himself, and all his fellow Scientists: blithely ignored his amazing discovery, and went on using absolute constants as if nothing had happened

    20. We glorify a baseball player because he can mechanically hit a ball with a bat, but blithely ignore the fact of him being divorced from his wife

    21. the media then blithely returned to its normal diet of publicized disasters and fake violence without batting an eyelash

    22. He blithely went on a holiday along the Norwegian coastline in his royal yacht so his part in the setting up of the treaty domino’s would not be revealed to the public… that after hearing of the ultimatum he had INSTANTLY sent the Austrian Emperor a firm letter of support in whatever the Emperor chose to do would not be revealed, so that he could pose as an innocent and blameless for beginning what was to become WW1

    23. We did another test in coaching class and then I scuffed to the ground blithely after changing into evening uniform

    24. And now here was this man Dixon, blithely requesting the deed as if it were nothing more than a light for his cigarette

    25. Waves of the ocean bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying,

    26. How blithely she sang that evening, and how they all laughed at her because she woke Amy in the night by playing the piano on her face in her sleep

    27. There was a long pause, while a blackbird sung blithely on the willow by the river, and the tall grass rustled in the wind

    28. "Ned my friend," Conseil replied, "had you ever heard of the Nautilus? No, yet here it is! So don't shrug your shoulders so blithely, and don't discount something with the feeble excuse that you've never heard of it

    29. “And to collect my fee,” Gregory said blithely

    30. By then Ulbrickson and the boys were blithely getting ready to sail for Germany on the SS Manhattan on July 14

    31. Replacing the fences the Yankees had so blithely burned was a long hard task

    32. She wondered how he could jest so blithely with a rope about his neck and her pitiful “I don’t need you to tell me how to behave,” she said and wearily put on her bonnet

    33. Indeed, why would the second woman go to the trouble to steal the baby and then so blithely agree to have it killed? Also, once the first woman renounced ownership, why wouldn’t the second woman simply keep quiet and accept the baby? By this reckoning, Solomon “was more lucky than wise,” write Dixit and Nalebuff

    34. which Mrs Durbeyfield had used to sing to her as a child, so blithely and so archly, her foot on the cradle, which she rocked to the tune

    35. Coxtart stirr’d the Tea Leaves with her Fork, and call’d loudly for more hot Water from the Pantry whilst she blithely spear’d the last remaining Sugar Plum upon the End of her Knife

    36. Thus, one cannot blithely buy a large number of call options and expect to profit, for the market may drop instead

    37. Traders blithely valued Sycamore’s shares at $15 billion

    38. The same could be said of a homeless woman blithely washing her breakfast dishes in the public fountain

    39. Taking my cue, Ramona ignored the atmospheric anxiety and blithely played with her doll

    40. Her taking you so unawares, oh yes, your tasting that kernel of evil with your oh-so-refined senses, kisses in the shadows, yes, and falling so blithely in love with her, so tenderly for you with all your loathsome powers

    41. Afterwards, when she sat with the girls before the dying embers at Patty's Place, removing the spring chilliness from their satin skins, none chatted more blithely than she of the day's events

    42. Winter! The peasant blithely goes

    43. The narrative of M’lle Adela’s adventures is blithely told, and the moral deducible therefrom for men is that, on occasion, flight is the surest method of combating temptation

    44. Her high jump from the piles, holding up her little skirt with a dainty hand, and winking blithely as she descended, was a thing long to be remembered for sheer mirth, for frank, childish joy

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    Synonyms for "blithely"

    blithely gayly happily jubilantly merrily mirthfully

    "blithely" definitions

    in a joyous manner