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    Use "bloom of youth" in a sentence

    bloom of youth example sentences

    bloom of youth

    1. than the bloom of youth?

    2. flow, at the sight of all that bloom of youth which presented itself to his

    3. bloom of youth and all the manly graces conspired to fix my eye sand

    4. Madame Danglars (who, although past the first bloom of youth, was still strikingly handsome) was now seated at the piano, a most elaborate piece of cabinet and inlaid work, while Lucien Debray, standing before a small work-table, was turning over the pages of an album

    5. Pocket: who was also in the first bloom of youth, and not quite decided whether to mount to the Woolsack, or to roof himself in with a mitre

    6. This gentleman was no longer in the first bloom of youth—he was forty-five, but still very handsome

    7. He looked at her features with anguish: the first bloom of youth had long faded from this exhausted face

    8. On the reverse side of the column appears an inscription even more pathetic and poetic, to yet another departed favorite, who seems, not like Tommy to have been gathered to his fathers ripe in years and honors but to have been cut down in the bloom of youth by some untimely and tragic fate

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