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    Use "burglaries" in a sentence

    burglaries example sentences


    1. But the peace was interrupted when there were a string of burglaries on my street

    2. Anyway, we don’t need to leave a trail of burglaries that would tell some enforcer investigator what we’re up to

    3. Whether the practice began in San José or Limon was unclear, but it spread to affect all of Costa Rica, burglaries and muggings, practically unknown before, becoming common and increasingly violent

    4. “And I guess you’ve done about eleven of the most amateur burglaries in the annals of crime, Claude

    5. Violent crime and household burglaries dropped dramatically, even though the

    6. resulted in a soaring number of muggings, rapes, burglaries and

    7. Rates of assaults, robberies and burglaries are far higher in England than in the United States

    8. this point that the socialist in England is out to destroy a citizens right to defend himself, the following is cited: “When an outbreak of burglaries hit one suburban neighborhood outside of London,

    9. Because of burglaries, most pharmacies did not stock it

    10. burglaries in the area for the entire year

    11. His father arranged the blackmail; Bill used his brother Tim to carry out the burglaries

    12. All this stuff around him, were the things which had been stolen in the rash of burglaries in Shadow Crest

    13. Burglaries were one of the most prevalent crimes of Hong Kong, particularly in low level buildings which had no lifts and dark staircases where thieves could work their picks without too much fear of being accosted by tenants frequently coming and going

    14. "But you knew about the murders and burglaries

    15. After all, it would be nice to clear up some outstanding burglaries and a few muggings at the same time and John Simmons was hardly going to protest his innocence was he? Nevertheless, they could find nothing and were unable to pin anything on him

    16. Not to mention the many armed robberies and burglaries committed by blacks that week

    17. Recent aggravated burglaries, car jackings, and muggings had involved extreme violence

    18. Ever since McCord’s confession, Judge Sirica’s new grand jury investigation into the Watergate scandal has unveiled damning evidence linking the White House to the burglaries

    19. “Does the FBI routinely investigate foiled burglaries?”

    20. Agents from the FBI didn’t just show up at burglaries for no reason

    21. Many burglaries involve only petty theft

    22. For even the high lifted and chivalric Crusaders of old times were not content to traverse two thousand miles of land to fight for their holy sepulchre, without committing burglaries, picking pockets, and gaining other pious perquisites by the way

    23. The night after the stones had disappeared three clever burglaries took place in Lahore, and the thieves made valuable hauls in each case, but we could get no clue

    24. The prisoners proved to be connected with burglaries which had taken place all over the Punjab and far beyond

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