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    Use "call attention" in a sentence

    call attention example sentences

    call attention

    1. Anyone running a lab certainly wouldn't want to call attention to themselves

    2. "Anything that size will call attention

    3. It has been used in other ways to call attention to something or someone of importance

    4. “Do not call attention to yourself,” he said

    5. I did call attention to a particularly ornate house just beyond the bridge, but the doge just said it belonged to a family named Contarini

    6. And while they may not call attention to their personal or corporate power, if you intend to deal with these men you had better be aware that they indeed have this power

    7. However, he himself had been an interloper once, so what right did he have to call attention to another? But he needed to know who it was, come what may

    8. Suffice it here to call attention to its ultimate failure, comparable to all other attempts to install Socialism as the system of an “ideal” society

    9. in ways tbat would call attention were a female to engage in tbem

    10. meanings might be inferred? Were a female client to call attention to her own and the

    11. Humans’ hives of habitation or of productivity, unlike those of bees, refuse to agree with their surroundings, preferring to call attention to themselves by competing with each other to see which one best overcomes what belongs and gently compliments its assigned place in this living mural some unknown artist worked long and hard to create

    12. "Did you hear what happened over at National Media? Some genius there wanted to call attention to the great year they had, so he printed their financial report in The New York Times in red ink!"

    13. Here elliptical and emphatic; que often occurs atthe beginning of a clause, and serves to call attention to what

    14. practice that asceticism to which we call attention as

    15. I am constrained to call attention to an article appearing in the Octographic Review, Feb

    16. I would call attention to the fact that all I can do here is to put into words certain ancient symbols, and so emphasize the process (adopted by the early initiate-teachers) of enunciating a word or sound, which produces a symbolic form, which in its turn, is capable of translation into words

    17. But he wants a par to call attention in the Telegraph too, the Saturday pink

    18. he made a fuss about her deception he would call attention to the fact that she had outwitted him

    19. Ralph wished his father would not call attention to his glorious past

    20. But what then? Philemon would do all he could to call attention to what Merthin and she were up to in the palace

    21. New interest in the diagnosis and treatment of battlefield traumatic brain injuries could also call attention to the stateside issue of concussions from car accidents, sports, and other causes

    22. Why call attention to the fact?”

    23. Charlie couldn’t go forward, or even breathe: he was afraid a cloud of breath would float across the open space and call attention to him, and then he, too, would become a body stretched out on the snow

    24. We sought only to call attention to the actions of counselors we believed had given him evil advice

    25. "How often must I urge you to seek that absolute concentration of your mental faculties which alone may permit you to bring to bear the highest powers of intellectuality upon the momentous problems which naturally fall to the lot of great minds? And now I find you guilty of a most flagrant breach of courtesy in interrupting my learned discourse to call attention to a mere quadruped of the genus FELIS

    26. I have made these few remarks on trees simply to call attention to the subject

    27. "Ladies and gentlemen, I've come to call attention to the I sufferings of poor students and to rouse them to a general protest

    28. By the pronoun "him," she meant to call attention to her intimacy with Nekhludoff

    29. It is sufficient for me to call attention to the effect of naval power, as it passed from nation to nation

    30. Peabody’s gift, but to call attention to the fact that the South owes a debt of gratitude to the American Missionary Association, which it should not be slow to recognize

    31. But I wish now to call attention to the efforts of the church in modern times to preach the gospel in Africa

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