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    Use "closing time" in a sentence

    closing time example sentences

    closing time

    1. In making her offer, which seemed at face value to be a kindness, she knew perfectly well that Ken would go and that he would stay in the pub until closing time

    2. For the last few weeks he had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal contemplation to the banality of human contact, but here in the soft tawny light of the lounge bar at the Red Lion those trivial voices broke through on the back of an ethereal sub tone that slowly built up throughout the evening until, towards closing time, Ken realised that he was listening to the same song being played over and over again on the jukebox

    3. the pub until closing time

    4. Anna particularly liked to have a young boy in her store just prior to closing time

    5. It was on a Thursday near closing time that she spotted a boy of about thirteen standing near the front candy showcase, looking at the various candy bars wistfully

    6. By the time he got there it would be almost closing time

    7. Then it was closing time and they wanted us out of there

    8. about ten times as much money closing timeshare sales

    9. I had to assume that as it was almost closing time, that nobody else would be going down to the cellar to get drinks

    10. They pulled into a lonely and small gas station almost at closing time

    11. But I quickly discovered that the IC made a stop at 53rd street and Stony Island, walkable distance, and at closing time, it took me to 71st & Jeffrey quite well, thank you

    12. Many, if not most, evenings, a women’s only meeting was in progress, and Dixie, in no uncertain terms, told me to go eat a sandwich at Papa Gino’s in the New London Mall, order a takeout pizza for the boys, and come back before closing time

    13. Closing time arrived at last, and Alison crept out of the door into the rapidly

    14. Only a few minutes left before the shopping mall’s closing time, thus the few customers

    15. the Club near closing time

    16. To get to Lawrence township where there were some shops and a bank the staff members had to catch a ferry or for those living in the town get to the shops before closing time

    17. And sometimes at closing time, he catches himself holding the door for her as he’s leaving

    18. Cruising for casual sex was subtle and omnipresent… a sly smile in shops, a wink and turn of the head on the street, the accidental touch of a hand on the bus, the not so subtle groping among crotchless trousers, business suits and fashion plates in the meat markets of gay pubs where patrons chattered to their ‘in’ group, eyeing outsiders and prospective partners with practised disdain, then hovering alone on the footpath after closing time having rejected one suitor too many

    19. Aidan came to the shop at closing time

    20. I regained consciousness when it was closing time

    21. At the second one – which was a benefit for a friend of mine – I sold three books at a closeout price after closing time

    22. Although the bar was becoming quite crowded as ‘closing time’ approached, he had a table to himself and the other drinkers seemed to avoid or ignore him

    23. She stayed with Adam well past closing time

    24. At the ending of the games, closing time was always

    25. closing price? To identify this information, the chart provider wil decide on a time, say 5 PM EST, as the daily open and closing time

    26. ‘’What about returning to the PUSSICAT CABARET and waiting there for that Mélanie to come out at closing time?’’ Proposed Janet

    27. “I have to hurry back to the store before closing time to return these items because they don’t fit

    28. “Yeah! Missy and Londa said when Dana came upstairs in the hallway, their Aunt Patricia got so happy and excited when she approached Dana, telling Dana she needs to collect more milk from her so she can hurry and bring it to the milk bank before closing time!”

    29. It was only six minutes until closing time

    30. I waited for hours, past closing time, but she didn’t come

    31. The rest of the day passed pretty quickly and it was closing time before I knew it

    32. When closing time rolled around at midnight, my back was sore and my feet were on fire

    33. Just before closing time, Sam motioned to Molly, tapping on his watch that

    34. As it was closing time the shopkeeper only had one lobster left

    35. It was nearly closing time when Ann decided she was hungry for Chinese food

    36. Claire probably had a customer she couldn’t get rid of—always too polite to just shove them out the door at closing time

    37. I got there… they said they would wait 10 minutes after closing time for

    38. An hour before closing time, by which time one of his colleagues had departed, his remaining friend noticed two women enter the bar, go to the counter and order two Baileys and then sit at a table not that far away

    39. with me just before closing time

    40. the two couples, and since it was closing time, the

    41. mond, to turn "closing time" from 2-in-the-morning to 4-in-the-af-

    42. pretty hard at closing time, about 4pm in the afternoon

    43. She was at first, but later, near closing time, she was drinking with a chap called Smythe from the hospital

    44. It was nearly closing time; Mrs Smithers was surprised to see

    45. It was closing time

    46. Just before the normal Door-closing time, Frypan prepared one last meal to carry them through the night

    47. He usually remained in the bar until closing time every night

    48. Blind to the world up in a shebeen in Bride street after closing time, fornicating with two shawls and a bully on guard, drinking porter out of teacups

    49. `We shall be just in time to get a drink before closing time if we buck up,' he said

    50. Sawkins said that would be a very good way to put it, and they finished their beer just as the landlord intimated that it was closing time

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