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    Use "clowning" in a sentence

    clowning example sentences


    1. ‘It was typical Joris … he was clowning around after a particularly … exacting if successful job

    2. He is in exceptionally high spirits and soon has the pair of us in fits of laughter, playing the fool and generally clowning around

    3. Think about it, he spent yesterday using his skills as a … a bodyguard to keep us, his friends, alive; he died today clowning around

    4. I can see Charlie on Christmas Eve enjoying himself clowning around and trying to kiss Rosie who wasn’t having any of it and he is laughing

    5. All the silliness and clowning around was replaced with admiration

    6. They both heard Niki laugh, causing them both to look over to see Afu clowning around with her

    7. The spielers were clowning the come-in to

    8. An article in the latest issue of the “New Republic” discusses the recent hearings on the Office of Federal Contract Compliance and contrasts Senator Dirksen’s “clowning performance” with Ted Kennedy’s “cool and clever handling” of both himself and the situation

    9. This life, whose dreary superficiality is covered by the glitter of universal blague, like the stupid clowning of a harlequin by the spangles of a motley costume, induced in him a Frenchified—but most un-French—cosmopolitanism, in reality a mere barren indifferentism posing as intellectual superiority

    10. He’d been trying all afternoon, clowning, giving directions, telling everybody just where he was going to blast that pill once he got hold of it

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    Synonyms for "clowning"

    buffoonery clowning frivolity harlequinade japery prank comedy drollery funniness fooling rowdiness joke fun

    "clowning" definitions

    acting like a clown or buffoon

    a comic incident or series of incidents