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    Use "continuous" in a sentence

    continuous example sentences


    1. As they pulled closer they could see that the opening of the tunnel was decorated with flowing curves, giving the impression of continuous bodies intertwined



    4. "Using the AmpliMagineer user interface paradigm, you just create this location translation pane here," she drew the boundaries of the magic carpet on an image of her home's foyer, "bundle it with this location," she outlined the magic carpet as it sat there over the beach, "and snap it into this site's continuous instance list here

    5. It was pretty much a whole bunch of wars all wrapped up into one continuous one

    6. The story ends, the chaos of continuous beach

    7. by continuous trials and the merciless torture to thwart

    8. There will be a continuous discharge of oxygenic water near power plants

    9. Deep space probes were continuous with two technicians always on duty monitoring activity

    10. His voice was becoming shrill as he went over his plans again; Matai was getting weary of his continuous ranting

    11. here nothing mattered except the sound of the sea, the touch of the breeze and the continuous growing of the plants

    12. The days of continuous torture

    13. “Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is a continuous broadcast of recorded aeronautical information such as weather information, which runways are active, available approaches, and any other information required by the pilots

    14. and continuous tunnels of the western shore of Lake

    15. Over and over again, a continuous echo in the dark

    16. A continuous wail emitted from her tightly guarded bundle

    17. One of the fallen travelers knelt on the road, his hands covering his throat as a continuous stream of blood poured from his lips, nose and ears

    18. “Well you will find they just chatter just the same on TV at that time of the morning or they have continuous adverts selling pots and pans or healthy exercise routines and other stuff, I wouldn't bother if I was you and save your money”

    19. All of his features had long since melted into one continuous puffy white scar

    20. The notches got smaller toward the corners, and the corners of the pyramid were a continuous expanse of well-worked stone

    21. continuous motion, occupied the southern

    22. Here, the strikes are almost continuous

    23. This continuous flow, which has always been at work, In a subtle way, always leads to a future event

    24. Thus, what was truly an adversarial relationship was also one that greatly aided the two species to advance themselves through continuous adaptive behaviors, thereby increasing their chances for survival and growth over the decades and centuries through a process of co-evolution

    25. It refers to your continuous flow of ideas

    26. Mindfulness can be a continuous state of happiness

    27. White noise is a continuous sound that masks ambient sounds, without drawing attention to itself

    28. The expanding (swelling) of concrete volume occurs during continuous storage of the specimens in the water

    29. little corner of it, you tend to think of it as a continuous,

    30. of one continuous moving picture

    31. This phenomenon is consistent with the notion that the creative process is a continuous one

    32. I prefer to say it this way because it is a continuous

    33. As they gradually approached the ditch, it became quite apparent that it was continuous, and somewhat larger and deeper than they expected

    34. 35 A continuous mist watering system would also have ensured sustained plant growth all through the year all over the earth as plants would not have been dependent on rainfall for their water

    35. With that water removed, and the Earth’s electro-mechanical function adversely affected, and because we can today measure a continuous decline in Earth’s magnetic field strength, we can postulate that gravity would have overcome the magnetic field’s influence on the layer of water above the atmosphere as a result of the rotational core mechanics being altered

    36. This continued until the entire carcass was stripped of the blubber from head to tail, just like pealing an orange in one continuous strip, one strip at a time

    37. I say this much in contrast and defiance to the noted science writer Timothy Ferris, who has written a wonderful trio of books on cosmology, but seems lost at sea in maintaining that there are several minds within the mind, in continuous search for the one centrality to guide them

    38. The moment you pay a bribe (relaxing your standards) you opened yourself to continuous blackmail in the future

    39. In a small forest clearing, a fetish man was dancing and shouting, the centre of a great crowd of men, women and children, who kept up a continuous “eloge

    40. Bullets and shells from Santiago fell behind San Juan in continuous hail

    41. Colonel McKibben turned a round hill into a redoubt, and, with Captain Ebstein and Captain Cornman, commanding battalions, a continuous fire was directed against the enemy's guns

    42. It was so difficult to concentrate, I had so many questions, I was so confused, and there was the continuous flow of eyes watching us

    43. Mr Drake, for one, would not appreciate another meeting interrupted by my continuous scratching, the last episode of that had been bad enough with him threatening to scrape my skin off with a chisel should I not cease the scratching

    44. It is one of the continuous debates amongst us on why you are following the route you are

    45. Both terrorist groups received continuous and considerable support from the Soviet Union and Communist China as well as the states surrounding Rhodesia

    46. Perhaps this unfortunate turn of events is inevitable in light of the continuous assault over the years by the International Community (read: Modern European Democracies) whose leaders widely regard sovereign authority (other than their own) and political prestige invested in great nations with suspicion and whose (own) precipitous decline as world power brokers foreshadowed America‘s diminution of (global) influence by a half century or more

    47. As such they are also the subject of continuous abuse and vilification even to today

    48. Laws, in the absence of binding (principle) origins constitute a transitory, variable system of rules conditioned by current fashions without regard to (the) underlying (moral) assumptions that otherwise provide (customary) perspective to a well-ordered, (continuous) society

    49. He will need continuous psychological assistance and a thorough medical check-up

    50. tied them with continuous red string

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    Synonyms for "continuous"

    continuous uninterrupted tireless untiring unrelenting persisting unflagging consistent

    "continuous" definitions

    continuing in time or space without interruption

    of a function or curve; extending without break or irregularity