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    decision making example sentences

    decision making

    1. Unless the preacher is serving as an elder he should have no more power in decision making than does any other faithful man in the congregation

    2. For women to seek to be part of the decision making process is

    3. fast as that of a reflex action, yet his decision making is as accurate as the

    4. Therefore, when young souls are given the opportunity to assume important roles such as leaders of countries, the citizens of those countries might suffer from reckless decision making

    5. By the time the first practice rolled around on Thursday, the team was ready to change its offense, making it more flexible and taking advantage of Reilly’s decision making skills

    6. That type of decision making only comes with experience, and it is made every day by men and women on duty

    7. Its (supposed) advantages or encumbrances will be either ―enjoyed‖ or endured severally; including those who weren‘t involved in the decision making process to begin with

    8. “I just think that comfort and prosperity are not a priority for Abnegation, and maybe they would be if the other factions were involved in our decision making

    9. What do we learn from this? After Jesus’s resurrection, from His tomb, He had flesh and very importantly, BONES! He even ate after he was resurrected from His tomb! The next logical question must be: What would have happened if Jesus was cremated and His bones were ground to fine powder? This dear reader, must be one of the most important thoughts in your decision making process if you are in fact considering cremation!

    10. This may lead to a history of poor decision making and the ability to achieve natural understanding

    11. out the emotional and rational/logical aspects of decision making

    12. We all have ways or processes we go through in helping us in our decision making

    13. point, the strength of the I Person, centered on its decision making power, will

    14. also have a great decision making ability, with which we can choose to either

    15. But sound decision making was

    16. ‘Fair enough,’ he responded seriously, ‘but I need a little more information to help with decision making

    17. Returning to his room, half a minute was spent on decision making

    18. This is a time for reviewing the love life, not for decision making

    19. them without undue delay, but he was beginning to see that his decision making

    20. Decision making is a skill that you want to definitely have, because making

    21. Decision making is a skill of incalculable value and it is sad that we have not

    22. “Think and Grow Rich” an entire chapter about decision making

    23. No opportunity is ever missed and there are other opportunities found simply in denying the self something, but it is important to know that when you are worried about a decision, and your decision making process is blocking your outcome, you will experience things such as the irritation of poison ivy

    24. To determine this percentage, shouldn’t grandparents be included in the decision making process? If you do that, there’s really no reason to end there, as their parents should also be included

    25. Seriously, she said she could have been more efficient, and she gave me an example of how: Although the second phase of my apprenticeship was ninety-percent about eliminating self-image from my decision making process, it also served to ready me to attempt to Hear and Channel Phillip

    26. For example, although the second phase of my apprenticeship was ninety-percent about eliminating self-image from my decision making process, it also served to ready me to attempt to Hear and Channel Phillip

    27. The differentiation between companies will depend on the extent to which analytics has been institutionalized in the decision making process of their organizations

    28. We have number of facilities around the Globe that produce customer insights which is used in the decision making process around acquisition, There is a huge

    29. The dying Roosevelt, according to the British Prime Minister had abdicated his responsibility to Europe and the free world by passing full powers of decision making to General Marshall, his Chief of Staff

    30. Any decision making based on the extrapolations of data is very risky

    31. Of the many political systems that have been tried through history, the most basic system has been the autocratic decision making of the dominant male

    32. Along the way, women, juveniles and ethnic minorities were almost always left out of the decision making process

    33. The junior President Bush, along with others that rely on their perception of religion in the process of decision making, protested that the use of stem cells is wrong because it’s unethical

    34. decision making, because it is the only means by which unity of thought and

    35. The greatest source of friction in the growth curve is the decision making

    36. But WHAT is this signal? What information does it carry? How is it received and deciphered by the led? And how, exactly, does it influence their decision making processes?

    37. It excluded women and slaves but it allowed the rest to actively, constantly, and consistently contribute to decision making processes on all levels and of all kinds (including juridical)

    38. Again this falls in the category of letting go responsibility for decision making, and this time trying to put it into God's hands, when He says you must take responsibility for your life

    39. space strangles inquisitions far out shores of hate, a decision making man of woman

    40. He has no role in any of the decision making processes of either the KwaZulu Natal Provincial Government or the National Assembly

    41. Focusing and decision making are conscious makings inputs, it puts the Spirit into the knowing operation and at the same time combat the fear that is laid by the soul

    42. The knowledge of good and evil is not the discovery of a list of acceptable and prohibited behavior, but the understanding of the principle(s) underlying ethical decision making: how, why and towards what end to live personally and socially

    43. Great for decision making

    44. Operations The analysis of problems associated with operating a business, designed to provide a scientific basis for decision making

    45. decision making process within bands and as already

    46. 1979 he was elected a candidate member of the Politburo, a decision making

    47. And perhaps God really does not interfere with the freedom of human choice, responsibility and decision making, no matter how evil the action may be

    48. one who can help an individual with decision making and the practicalities

    49. in the key decision making positions

    50. Everything depends on decision making

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