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    Use "delirium" in a sentence

    delirium example sentences


    1. A fever struck, the delirium of constant doubt

    2. They say that after I came round I spent two days gripped in the cold sweat of delirium, sleeping fitfully in between rabidly incoherent monologues and pathetic calls for my mother

    3. Those first few days beyond the delirium saw further changes take place

    4. Several times he yelled out in his delirium, calling on the names of those who were long dead

    5. His appearance was as bad as ever, but all trace of delirium had left him and he spoke in a feeble voice, it is true, but with a more normal tone

    6. He had been young when his head first cleared from the delirium of hormones, only in his fifties

    7. ease Chloe’s delirium as I’d done for half a month since hauling her onto this raft? Would I shade her with my own blistered back? Would I drip most of our precious stock of water onto Chloe’s lips? Or would Eris prevail, convincing me to throw myself into the flat and empty sea

    8. I told her everything that had happened on Scheria during her delirium

    9. Amid all the anguish, few groaned; some raved in delirium, one boyish lieutenant again urging his men forward in the historic charge

    10. Twice he became convinced that he had backtracked in his delirium and retraced his footsteps, only to lose himself again

    11. told me that when the delirium returned, they’d held me down,

    12. The thirst and delirium of long days tied and sometimes tortured

    13. Elizabeth was in a delirium, semi-consciousness, moaning softly and muttering unintelligibly, and he could feel the heat of her fever the minute he had unwrapped her from the blanket

    14. In her delirium, she had appeared confused by his presence, and Colling did not attempt to explain

    15. who exhibited fever, inanition, and delirium

    16. He kidded himself in his delirium of tiredness that Vic probably just wanted to give them special instructions or maybe just hole them up somewhere safe until this incident died down

    17. symptoms of excited delirium, but instead had discussed the response en

    18. Suddenly, her body shivered, sobering her from her delirium

    19. Whole chunks of his life flashed through his mind in a vague delirium

    20. The waitress thought I was suffering from Delirium Tremens – gave a little scream and retreated

    21. Putting aside his delirium, David put

    22. Her thirst was temporarily quenched; it was a false mercy to let her suffer until delirium and death brought relief

    23. The beast wandered on, and I finally passed into delirium from thirst and hunger, and awakened in this city

    24. Much of the drawn haggard look had gone from his features, and his voice was not the mumble of delirium

    25. At first Conan doubted his consciousness, thought it was but a figment of delirium

    26. The man had been brought to Ishan to be healed, but he was too deep in delirium from a fever much like the one that had taken the life of Ishan’s father

    27. After a moment of delirium, a quick analysis of his situation told Lotinger that his left arm was broken, his head had suffered a definite blow, and likely both of his ankles were sprained

    28. They were the promoters of the bloody carnival that plunged Macondo into delirium for three days and whose only lasting consequence was having given Aureliano Segundo the opportunity to meet Fernanda del Carpio

    29. Until midnight the strangers, disguised as bedouins, took part in the delirium and even enriched it with sumptuous fireworks and acrobatic skills that made one think of the art of the gypsies

    30. Aureliano Triste, with the cross of ashes on his forehead, set up on the edge of town the ice factory that José Arcadio Buendía had dreamed of in his inventive delirium

    31. Nevertheless, in the emptiness of so many women who came into his life in the same way, he did not remember that she was the one who in the delirium of that first meeting was on the point of foundering in her own tears and scarcely an hour before her death had sworn to love him until she died

    32. Tired of that hermeneutical delirium, the workers turned away from the authorities in Macondo and brought their complaints up to the higher courts

    33. Overcome by an exploratory delirium compara-ble only to that of his great-grandfather when he was searching for the route of inventions, Aureliano Segun-do lost the last layers of fat that he had left and the old resemblance to his twin brother was becoming accentu-ated again, not only because of his slim figure, but also because of the distant air and the withdrawn attitude

    34. It was sufficient to lift the broken slabs in the corner where Úrsula’s bed had always stood and where the glow was most intense to find the secret crypt that Aureliano Segundo had worn himself out searching for during the delirium of his excavations

    35. But when they saw themselves alone in the house they succumbed to the delirium of lovers who were making up for lost time

    36. During the pauses in their delirium, Amaranta Úrsula would answer Gaston’s letters

    37. The old woman who opened the door with a lamp in her hand took pity on his delirium and insisted that, no, there had never been a pharmacy there, nor had she ever known a woman with a thin neck and sleepy eyes named Mercedes

    38. He had actually pushed it into his own heart as he pulled her to him! All this, she related, in a kind of quiet delirium which carried complete conviction, and I felt myself grow cold at the thought of her silent listener and what she might be compelled to do with the knowledge

    39. To tell the truth, I was glad of this fact for a number of reasons, only one of which was the slight, but ever present danger of a relapse into the kind of delirium which could have had such dangerous consequences that night

    40. I was still stuck in delirium mode

    41. the complete state of delirium

    42. state of delirium during the torture inflicted on Marta Infran, was enough for Miño Retamozo to suffer the ordeal described

    43. As a kid he had, like most his age, chewed the seeds for the delirium it brought

    44. Ang said that the doctors had still not found any particular toxin to account for her delirium and that all other testing had proved negative

    45. We have run every test imaginable but cannot come up with the source of her delirium

    46. I looked at the stage and could not believe that all this delirium of Vitaliy Yakovlevich could really cause in me this tidal wave

    47. muttering again lost in the throes of delirium and Ceri knew that his malady was grave

    48. ” Faith tossed in her sleep-deprived delirium, as she struggled to wake herself to another day of multi-busyness tasked with the burdens of survival and celebration

    49. “Killing the vampire queen that you kept speaking about in your delirium?” Rafael’s eyes widened

    50. She was spinning through the water, in a blind and panicky delirium, unable to see or hear or think

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    Synonyms for "delirium"

    delirium craze frenzy fury hysteria delusion derangement hallucination illusion insanity

    "delirium" definitions

    state of violent mental agitation

    a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations