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    dime example sentences





    1. Remember they are techies who don’t think like marketers and never made a dime on the Internet

    2. They don't give a dime if I know perfect English and Italian, as well as very good German and Spanish

    3. “They are losers, who stupidly make do with 140,000 drachmas a month; they are cyphers, all of them!” she cries pompously and goes on with an air of profundity: “A businessman wants to earn as much as possible, this is natural! He will pay you as little as he can, unless you prove to him you deserve to be given something more!” … “A clever businessman will hire a secretary who will work for him for a month or so ''on trial'', then he will tell her she is incompetent and he will fire her without paying her a dime; then he will hire another stupid chick who will work for him for another month without payment, then another one will take her place, and so on, until he finds the one who will satisfy him fully” harangues Diana, showing her admiration for bosses

    4. in excess of one hundred miles an hour, power-braking at the drop of a dime,

    5. better practice bitch, no man would waste a dime for your whore ass,” Ed said and

    6. He had turned on a dime as soon as he found out I was different

    7. I was still in the car business, but was reading motivational books and sales books, as they were a dime a dozen

    8. much as a dime overseas to report that income to the IRS and pay

    9. out what your animal is feeling BEFORE you spend another dime on an animal medical

    10. Here’s why: morning sickness usually ends around the 12th week of pregnancy, and when it stops, it stops on a dime

    11. I bent over as if to tie up my shoes and, using the edge of a dime for ten seconds, relieved the vehicle of its front plate

    12. A stoolie shit dime on the Casella hit, and Doctor C’s spread

    13. that a team of five and dime thugs knew this, and played him

    14. We’ve hit three malls, had an excellent lunch at The Rainforest Café, and we even hit Funtime Junction arcade in Fairfield for a friendly game of Laser Tag, all of which of course was on Quan’s dime

    15. He started spinning counterclockwise windmills, then abruptly stopped and reversed back into clockwise windmills; he could stop on a dime and resume full speed in the other direction in no time flat

    16. My pet peeve in dealing with the four roomies was their penchant for stealing my long neck Blatz bottled beers and leaving me a dime on top of the few remaining full bottles

    17. At the close of day, the man in HR gave me an expense report and urged me to put down literally every nickel and dime that I had spent, even chewing gum

    18. It was as if her life had turned on a dime

    19. account, not a dime was sent to Miami, and it was only there that Tony finally realized

    20. Pain Forever In The Next 48 Hours & Never Spend Another Dime

    1. And after a year or two on CompuServe, I became aware of the Internet and realized that CompuServe was a rip-off because they nickeled and dimed you for every one of their many many services and so many months I got quite a large bill as did many other people and basically CompuServe went out of business and the Internet came into being

    2. C dimed his car

    3. They dimed the troopers

    4. The same thing happens in department stores as we get nickel and dimed to death

    5. All in all, during my first two years of investing, I “nickeled and dimed” my account to very low points, dragging my ego down with it

    1. Even then I recall loving her spunk, which is why I paid a ludicrously high amount of six dimes in those days

    2. lican leadership which dearly wants deep estate tax cuts, proposed offering nickels and dimes to the working class to secure billions for the rich

    3. "Five dimes!" she wailed

    4. After reaching my home town I had exactly two thin American dimes in my pocket, five cents less than what I had when I left the country

    5. There may have been quarters and dimes on occasion, but usually it was just pennies and nickels, but Michael brought home the candy money

    6. Spending something seemingly insignificant as a one-cent piece results in nickels, dimes and eventually dollars coming out of your wallet

    7. Even the March of Dimes charity has been an equal opportunity mutilator

    8. Fortunately, what you pay for the exposure is still dimes on the dollar compared to traditional advertising, but it is an expense none the less

    9. When I was 4 years old, she went and opened a bank account for me, and when I was 4 years old, mom would drive me to the circle-K, we would go in, my mum would ask for 10 dimes

    10. Out of those 10 dimes I had to put 10c in the offering plate, and I had to take 10c to the bank

    11. When I was 4 years old, she opened a bank account for me; mom would drive me to the circle-K, we would go in; and mum would ask for 10 dimes

    12. Out of those 10 dimes, I had to put 10c in the offering plate; and I had to take 10c to the bank

    13. · Secondary syphilis is associated with lesions on the palms and soles that look like nickels and dimes

    14. That meant they had to refill the coin hopper, so you would see people carrying bags of quarters, nickels, and dimes to fill the slot machine back up with a reasonable amount of money

    15. Rockefeller’s token charity of giving out dimes was another despicable hypocrisy: that even the elite newspapers publicly despised him for

    16. His habit of doling out dimes and quarters to the poor: spoke volumes of his own personal guilt about his own ill-gotten wealth

    17. Getting all the information you need -- it’s no wonder why many undergraduates who insist on cutting on costs and saving their dimes and nickels while they earn their degrees in university believe the E-book is a better choice than its printed counterpart

    18. Here and there with dimes on the eyes walking,

    19. I ordered a chocolate-vanilla twist cone; a few moments later she handed it to me and took my two dollars and gave me two dimes in change

    20. How many hospitals were there in the City? With a phone book and a roll of dimes, he could have called them all

    21. She wore her hair short, the top part permed and frosted, and her eyes were small and bland as dimes that had been in someone’s pocketbook too long

    22. “This little punk couldn’t get away with stealing dimes out of parking meters

    23. If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars

    24. No silver at all, no dimes, no quarters

    25. Just wait! If you do not bring the money, I'll take away your cap, upon my word, I will! How is this? He pays me back two dimes at a time! What can you do with two dimes? Take a drink, that is all

    26. If in berry time they can get a few dimes to buy a calico dress and a pair of shoes, contentment settles over their faces

    1. The footsteps of their galloping mynamathers diming as they reached further into the depths of the forest

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    Synonyms for "dime"

    dime dime bag

    "dime" definitions

    a United States coin worth one tenth of a dollar

    street name for a packet of illegal drugs that is sold for ten dollars