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    Use "dirty white" in a sentence

    dirty white example sentences

    dirty white

    1. Maybe it's just a really dirty white cape

    2. with a big smile and dirty white apron

    3. Alex's dirty white van pulls up as Steve opens the door, putting on the hand brake Alex jumps out of the van and walks to the back and opens the doors

    4. Right before her very eyes, her dirty white tennis shoes had changed into the most beautiful shoes that she had ever seen

    5. The sky is low, a dirty white,

    6. No birds, no animals, no sound, no green, everything covered in dirty white or black ash

    7. Two lines of huge dirty white curves arced over from out of the ground towards each

    8. I casually opened my eyes, having sensed someone was approaching and having peered through the slits of my eyelids and caught sight of a little boy in a dirty white vest and ragged green shorts, I smiled and, without thinking, said hello to him in English

    9. There were dirty white-stenciled hammers and sickles, distressed and abraded to make them look old, and framed headlines from Pravda, and Red Army helmets, all battered and scratched

    10. And the leperos, flinging about the corners of their dirty white mantas, yelled their approbation

    11. The woman eyed Alice with suspicion and disgust, but then followed the advice of authority and shuffled in her dirty white terry-cloth slippers back into her room

    12. As they came out again into the open country at sundown they overtook an old man leaning on a staff, and he was clothed in rags of grey or dirty white, and at his heels went another beggar, slouching and whining

    13. Along the farther side were three dirty white tents; and in one of them a light burned and huge black figures moved on the canvas

    14. The fore legs are shorter than the hind ones, and have, behind, three very long hairs or vibrissa: the feet and toes of all the legs are covered with long fur; the former have a dark brown or blackish ring, and the latter are of a dirty white: there are five long toes to all the feet, of which the inner one is the shortest; the nails are white, retractible, and shorter than the fur

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