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    Use "dissoluteness" in a sentence

    dissoluteness example sentences


    1. The position of our master Mohammad (cpth) was similar to this before he had been charged with his mission, at which time he always kept himself away from Quraysh’s amusing and careless gatherings which indulged in the dissoluteness that resulted from ignorance of Al’lah, isolating himself from the people, in spite of his good fortune, along with his wealthy wife, our mother Khadeejah (may Al’lah be pleased with her)

    2. My views on the question may be succinctly stated as follows: Without entering into details, it will be generally admitted that I am accurate in saying that many people condone in young men a course of conduct with regard to the other sex which is incompatible with strict morality, and that this dissoluteness is pardoned generally

    3. We nearly all know by our own experience, and those who are fathers and mothers know in the case of their grown-up children also, what fearful mental and physical suffering, what useless waste of strength, people suffer merely as a consequence of dissoluteness in sexual desire

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    Synonyms for "dissoluteness"

    dissoluteness incontinence self-gratification

    "dissoluteness" definitions

    indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures