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    effluence example sentences


    1. Was ww2 an orchestrated intentional plan? Or was it an unnatural effluence of accumulated poisoned refuse, a result of undead evil accumulating and poisoning itself into insanity? The answer is both

    2. Let our artists rather be those who are gifted to discern the true nature of the beautiful and graceful; then will our youth dwell in a land of health, amid fair sights and sounds, and receive the good in everything; and beauty, the effluence of fair works, shall flow into the eye and ear, like a health-giving breeze from a purer region, and insensibly draw the soul from earliest years into likeness and sympathy with the beauty of reason

    3. And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow

    4. The dress, so proper was it to little Pearl, seemed an effluence, or inevitable development and outward manifestation of her character, no more to be separated from her than the many-hued brilliancy from a butterfly's wing, or the painted glory from the leaf of a bright flower

    5. What a smile! I remember it now, and I know that it was the effluence of fine intellect, of true courage; it lit up her marked lineaments, her thin face, her sunken grey eye, like a reflection from the aspect of an angel

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    Synonyms for "effluence"

    effluence efflux outflow

    "effluence" definitions

    the process of flowing out