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    Use "embrasure" in a sentence

    embrasure example sentences


    1. Almost instantly a head appeared at an embrasure and a rope came wriggling down the wall

    2. He fell forward and his body spilled out of the dark hole that he had wanted to use as an embrasure

    3. She leant against the embrasure of the window, and reread the

    4. In truth the life of the Hungarian sisters, bound together by a freak of nature, could scarcely have been more intimate than that of Eugenie and her mother,—always together in the embrasure of that window, and sleeping together in the same atmosphere

    5. He therefore profited by the entrance of the des Grassins to take the nephew by the arm and lead him into the embrasure of the window,—

    6. embrasure in the walls with a stone seat beneath the sill

    7. Outside the house came the sound of a pistol shot, the glass of the window was shattered with a bullet, which ricochetting from the top of the embrasure, struck the far wall of the room

    8. As soon as Enjolras had seized his double-barrelled rifle, and had placed himself in a sort of embrasure which he had

    9. Enjolras, who was still leaning on his elbows at his embrasure, made an affirmative sign with his head, but without taking his eyes from the end of the street

    10. Enjolras, who carried the whole barricade in his head, reserved and sheltered himself; three soldiers fell, one after the other, under his embrasure, without having even seen him; Marius fought unprotected

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    Synonyms for "embrasure"

    embrasure port porthole

    "embrasure" definitions

    an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through