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    Use "equals" in a sentence

    equals example sentences


    1. Reduced stress always equals reduced pests/disease

    2. Fear equals hatred, equals violence

    3. It is a commonly held belief that where there is light there must be darkness, that forces of life are matched by those of death and that in all things there is a balanced equation of equals and opposites

    4. All we ever wanted was the right to live as equals under the same suns as our brothers

    5. Big John grabbed Daniel’s hand in a shake that united them as equals

    6. Lord Dorsal stood and took Alexei’s forearm in a meeting of equals; both men grinned

    7. X equals five, y squared is 16, I don’t know

    8. Women are Men’s equals in pretty much every respect, so it naturally follows that there are plenty of Women that are all of these terrible things and much more

    9. The total equals the brick wall I built with these blocks in order

    10. Unity equals strength, and as we follow the Spirit we are Prophecy

    11. To violate this combination is everywhere a most unpopular action, and a sort of reproach to a master among his neighbours and equals

    12. disagreeableness, almost equals that of colliers ; and, from the unavoidable irregularity in the

    13. brothers, and they’d always turned to him for counsel, but within our clan, we believed that all men stand as equals

    14. If we accept and treat others as our equals despite differences in gender, race, nationality or culture, harmony will prevail

    15. But this skill and dexterity in the use of their arms could be acquired only, in the same manner as fencing is at present, by practising, not in great bodies, but each man separately, in a particular school, under a particular master, or with his own particular equals and companions

    16. Lovely Latin phrase, but horrible moral concept: First among equals

    17. I+I=II; in words, one plus one equals two

    18. Equals, somehow? But he was my master somehow too

    19. In that respect Thailand has few equals

    20. He and I had an instant affinity for one another, spending hours together as equals and friends

    21. Inside, we were equals in creating a beautiful interior

    22. The cat and I stared, meeting one another's eyes as equals

    23. The humans he considered his equals

    24. Jesus treated women as equals, as the bearers of life, as our mothers and our sisters

    25. Jesus treated women as equals, as the bearers of life, as our mothers and our sisters should

    26. them all equals to the citizens of Athens: 16 And the holy temple, which before he had spoiled, he would garnish with goodly gifts,

    27. I am little more than the first among equals

    28. But now what of your Khakhan? Does he plan to treat us as equals, ally himself with us against the Turk, or invade and conquer us? Mongols very nearly did conquer us about three centuries ago

    29. He proposed a theory, his famous hypothesis that E=mc2: energy equals mass times the velocity of light (the constant “c”) squared

    30. ” Welcoming animals into a community of equals, Smith notes, would also destroy Judeo-Christian moral philosophy

    31. We learned that peace, harmony and treating people as equals are universal respects

    32. as equals, that they don't trust us, probably never will

    33. During this incarceration he drew around him a few other political prisoners to form the Conspiracy of Equals

    34. Thereafter, the Conspiracy of Equals emerged as the chief source of radical agitation

    35. the “Manifesto of the Equals,” one of the principal definition of

    36. The Equals aimed to redeem the promise of the Revolution

    37. The Equals wanted a “truly fraternal union of all Frenchmen” in which

    38. “If there is a single man on earth who is richer and more powerful than his fellows,” said Merechal’s “Manifesto of the Equals,” ;

    39. that the citizen should habitually find in all his fellow countrymen equals, brothers, and that he should nowhere meet with the least sign of

    40. society, the Equals devoted a great deal of attention to planning the upbringing of the young and also to the ongoing instructions of the adult population

    41. of Merechal’s “Manifesto of the Equals

    42. Arakiel went on to educate the world with the certainty of a teacher stating two plus two equals four

    43. Out of the French Revolution came visions of an egalitarian Society which would be built around a format established by a treatise referred to as the Manifesto of the Equals

    44. Sylvain Marechal, who composed the “Manifesto of the Equals,”

    45. “If there is a single man on earth who is richer and more powerful than his fellows,” said Marechal’s “Manifesto of the Equals,” “

    46. that the citizen should habitually find in all his fellow countrymen equals, brothers; and that he should nowhere meet

    47. ” In speaking of superstitions,” Buonarroti of course meant traditional religion, toward which the Equals, led by Marechal, were strongly antagonistic

    48. : the WASP elite as equals and the American Negro as a client population

    49. 13 This wicked person vowed also to the Lord who now no more would have mercy on him saying so 14 That the holy city to which he was going in haste to lay it even with the ground and to make it a common burying place he would set at liberty: 15 And as touching the Jews whom he had judged not worthy so much as to be buried but to be thrown out with their children to be devoured of the fowls and wild beasts he would make them all equals to the citizens of Athens: 16 And the holy temple which before he had spoiled he would garnish with goodly gifts and restore all the holy vessels with many more and out of his own revenue defray the charges belonging to the sacrifices: 17 Yes and that also he would become a Jew himself and go through all the world that was inhabited and declare the power of God

    50. To treat others as equals and not lording ourselves over them is the way of

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