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    Use "espionage" in a sentence

    espionage example sentences


    1. “And that anyone who tampers with or otherwise seizes information kept within said documents, including by surrepti-tious viewing, is subject to punishment by the codes governing espionage

    2. “I should tell you the same thing I had to tell Liulfr: that I could have you brought up on charges of espionage for that

    3. This was linked to the highest government security organization, it was their job to know of every security matter – and indeed he had been briefed by their representative before embarking on the project, there were considerable issues regarding espionage

    4. Along the way they tried to gain control of a South African English language newspaper called the "The Citizen" via the classic espionage methods of using front companies

    5. They acted as far as is known with the usual methods of spying and intelligence gathering all over the world combining both counter espionage and espionage in one Agency

    6. You will be surprised at the level of industrial espionage in Africa

    7. We will look at industrial espionage a bit later on in which a lot of counter technical (bugging) measures and agent running takes place

    8. Congress passed the Espionage Act

    9. The Espionage Act also made it illegal to criticize the war, or the US in even the vaguest way

    10. Brendan considered what little he knew of espionage and mass mind control, which largely consisted of stuff he read as a boy in spy novels and science fiction

    11. “The Mythological Institute is entirely dedicated to espionage

    12. Their appearance and demeanor reminded Colling of stereotypical espionage agents he had seen in the movies, and he wondered whether the men were imitating Hollywood, or was it the other way around? Each of the men was standing by one of three cabs lined up on the dock

    13. “I think she’s involved in industrial espionage

    14. She thanked me for trying to shield her from that bit of information and strongly suggested I not consider espionage as a career

    15. Debs was arrested in Canton, Ohio, for criticizing the war effort and sentenced to ten years in prison under the Espionage Act of 1917

    16. apparatus, and used that apparatus to collaborate with espionage

    17. At the death of Joshua, it was not his sons, but Caleb, his onetime espionage partner, who was chosen to lead the people

    18. Although there is no indication that he was a spy, his influence through the New Left was more destructive than outright espionage

    19. The value of espionage is time sensitive; the results of political poison bear fruit for generations

    20. Although time sensitive, the espionage did exact its price in American blood

    21. In order to make real the impact of this espionage on everyday Americans, I will cite the probable consequences of one instance of this espionage on American soldiers and airmen

    22. The Jewish Left was well aware of the degree of espionage and infiltration that the

    23. Communist Party to register as agents of a foreign government was absolutely justified, as the CPUSA was an active participant in Soviet espionage

    24. The Soviets have absolutely no shame when it comes to espionage

    25. We had decided on espionage

    26. Video surveillance, satellite espionage, and news monitoring subroutines seemed to verify that, yes, x=0, even though the normal state of conditions had always been x=1

    27. Among other things, it was one of the leading repositories for books about other nations and their governments, international organizations, world conflicts, espionage and foreign assistance and development matters

    28. Can the robots’ espionage techniques truly be so sophisticated that they can watch a person’s every move without them even knowing? Or perhaps the Colonel is a spy?

    29. to face economic espionage and other related charges

    30. You could even be charged with espionage if you’re not careful

    31. Perhaps an “Industrial Espionage” sortie that had gone horribly wrong?…

    32. Mainwaring and the CSIS section officers, promotion-conscious case officers, the shallow world of cocktail parties, glittering dinners and social engagements, the phoney but treacherous world of espionage and counter-espionage, the aura of distrust that existed around their lives, did nothing to create harmony between a couple recently married

    33. "Come now! You mustn't associate the work of common criminals with espionage

    34. He had achieved Schuntzen II level with ease and Samson was prepping him for Schuntzen III when he and Skeets signed with a private company in the mid west to breakup a corporate espionage ring stealing company secrets and selling them to the competition

    35. For a period of a few years it seemed that the Space Force’s Pirate Interdiction teams would be reassigned to chasing drug runners, but with the increase of Swordsman activity, they were instead diverted to a variety of intelligence gathering and espionage activities

    36. that might be interpreted as actual, planned, or, possible, threats, or espionage, against the US

    37. The man wanted Project Oracle, so I assumed it was all about industrial espionage or something like that

    38. I want all of you to explain clearly to your personnel that there is a very real and serious threat of Vietminh guerrilla activity around this base and this whole area of Vietnam, be it espionage, sabotage or assassination

    39. He had them put into a holding cell on trumped up charges of espionage

    40. He was then sent to Security Training School where he was taught, among other subjects, protocol -for dealing with dignitaries, linguistics -for designing and breaking code, logic, espionage and counter espionage, and combat, including small arms weapons, jujitsu, blades, and various other devices for killing an enemy

    41. Jelavic was the head of the Fourth Department of the Hygiean Security Forces, which was in charge of covert actions, espionage and counter-espionage

    42. Don’t you think others have tried to kill me? I run a company that specializes in espionage

    43. It’s a good front for them, especially if they are involved in industrial espionage

    44. “I had always believed that, useless though you appear to be, you were in charge of an important part of our espionage organisation

    45. Is she fraternizing with a fellow insurgent? A member of Caveira’s espionage outfit? Surely the Elden didn’t organize this all by themselves

    46. The psychological profile has been a weapon of war, espionage, diplomacy and negotiation since time began

    47. It was about industrial espionage in the pharmaceutical industry

    48. With some luck, she may even be able to sneak back in to the Cluster and continue her espionage

    49. But this isn’t full scale espionage

    50. rEVENge Espionage for profit, sabotage for fun, and subversion from all directions is what all sides of AS are playing and being gamed by

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    Synonyms for "espionage"

    espionage espial watching

    "espionage" definitions

    the systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets