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    Use "externally" in a sentence

    externally example sentences


    1. With this sort of mind-set, retiring, changing jobs, or moving to a smaller place are not likely to significantly reduce stress levels – the stress will be there whether it is imposed externally, or whether you have to manufacture it

    2. controlled with being externally controlled

    3. internally while the destruction of that god is externally executed through

    4. You are looking externally for something that is lacking within you —

    5. love externally, we will not be able to experience the truth of love

    6. adding a Phrase here and there… sometimes just barely thinking a word, or just About to say it, before it would occur externally on the mass media

    7. These masterful and dutiful little fish were more than willing to take charge of removing the parasites from his body—both internally and externally

    8. Most skin treatments are applied externally to the skin while ignoring the internal state of health

    9. We mourn (externally) for others, such as the passing of a loved one

    10. “A small amount of their blood is mixed with mine externally, then taken by mouth,” he said

    11. The airframe was covered in the finest Irish linen, and it was framed up with spruce spars, hickory and ash, braced with piano wire internally and braided aircraft cable externally

    12. Another extremely important point is to blockade internally as externally the illicit acts in those countries and its generative sources

    13. When you realize these things, instead of manifesting externally, your anger digests itself

    14. seasons will cease to come in their nearly externally appointed times

    15. Our visitor has not communicated any specific threat, internally or externally, to our planet

    16. “enslavement” to mean tied-down, limited, and constrained is not the same as externally imposed slavery

    17. The Initiate has his own internally coherent philosophy which may, or may not agree with the externally imposed laws

    18. I don’t want to be such externally but deep inside my heart as our Führer expects from us

    19. Learning how to manage Socialutions internally first may be the best method before pretending to be something externally

    20. Without the accepted hierarchy and externally imposed discipline it could easily degenerate into anarchy

    21. We live immersed in a city, a Company which without doubt is interesting (beyond appearances), but due to haste and speed, we know nothing about that which surrounds us, the beauty in opportunities proposed, that externally and due to a superficial reasoning have the air of something unattractive

    22. -the opportunity to develop a well-integrated sense of self that is more internally than externally defined, that is relatively stable rather than subject to redefinition based on changes in appearance or evaluations thereof, and that is grounded in an accurate

    23. Instead boys should be active, externally

    24. Strong externally imposed limits, along with certain other conditions, which 1 will

    25. only negatively and externally imposed but subject to redefinition with the introduction of different men into her life

    26. The opportunity to develop a well-integrated sense of self that is internally rather than externally defined-that is, relatively stable rather than subject to redefinition based on changes in appearance or evaluations thereof, and grounded in an accurate testing of

    27. externally and internally, in society and to themselves

    28. They also carried twelve shorter range less expensive missiles mounted externally

    29. These externally mounted missiles could only be carried in space since they would be ripped out of their mounts on atmospheric reentry

    30. It had not been unusual for Greg to rout a substantial pirate force using only his lasers and the externally mounted missiles returning to base with his full inventory of internally mounted missiles intact

    31. The armament on the P I ships had been doubled to twenty-four internally and twenty-four externally mounted missiles and forty-eight lasers

    32. She had two internal tubes and no externally mounted missiles

    33. It carried eight externally mounted missiles and a modest compliment of lasers

    34. Its dozen missiles are all mounted externally and only fire forward

    35. and before they seek that staff member externally, whatever method they choose

    36. Data from the tracking satellites confirmed that these ships lacked the externally mounted missile racks Buddy and Daisy carried

    37. externally, pressing your outer thighs away from the sides of your torso

    38. I had all that it took internally to create what I needed externally, the

    39. The One mind alone is the Buddha and there is no distinction between the Buddha and sentient beings, but sentient beings are attached to forms and so seek externally for Buddhahood…

    40. I could fix the grid externally, without being eaten alive,” he explained

    41. The desire was suppressed and the appearance was positive but the question remained “Why do you do this?” The Muslim externally did, but the multitude of questions related to morality illustrated that it was simply compliance that was at the core of Islam, not desire – not desire for God, not desire for right

    42. lack of concentration, those thoughts are being externally triggered

    43. His actions were condemned externally, and caused considerable anger internally, where there is now growing unrest and calls for the Government to resign or be overthrown

    44. It's really that simple, so I don't know what you're facing and what you're handling, what you're walking through right now, but develop an attitude that rejoices and praises God and trust God and hold His word in the midst of it, because this is preparing you for enlargement internally, so you can be large externally

    45. He smiled inwardly and externally as he noticed the leather case she held reverently in her arms

    46. Then externally, everything changed

    47. “Certainly, externally this looks exactly this way

    48. The souls feel that under this trumpery, this externally

    49. I consulted on various projects during this time and the Chairperson brought me up for an externally heard disciplinary hearing

    50. A hallucination is a phenomenon produced by extreme stress, wherein what was once experienced externally - derogation, rejection, and criticism - is again experienced externally even though ‘no one is there’

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    Synonyms for "externally"

    externally outwardly apparently superficially

    "externally" definitions

    on or from the outside

    with respect to the outside