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    false start example sentences

    false start

    1. After a couple of false starts, he finally managed to ask a question

    2. That approach still produced some false starts

    3. After a lot of false starts, I finally drove to the depot where Uncle Hobart's belongings were stored, with something nagging away at the back of my mind, something about Kings Cross and an old friend

    4. He pulled money from his pocket and paid each of the men as he had agreed, adding a bonus of twenty dollars apiece which he explained was for their false start the day before

    5. After a couple of short-lived false starts, he met Amy (a pseudonym) at a church we attended in Memphis, and they formed a very close relationship which lasted for over a year

    6. After a couple of false starts he finally repeated more or less what we’d already agreed

    7. There was one false start that seemed to unsettle one or two of the other runners

    8. An assistant some 100 yards down the course raised a second flag to indicate false starts

    9. It is a maze filled with false starts, dead ends and self-doubt

    10. Three false starts against them, too

    11. Levina, only a little put out that she hadn’t been notified Stephanie had finally gone into labor–after three false starts–was delighted at the news

    12. It took the young woman a few false starts before she could speak

    13. There were several false starts and fresh choices, but by ni-Frith they had three scrapes of a sort

    14. For every letter I sent there were dozens of handwritten drafts and false starts

    15. He slid his investigation notebook out of his coat and impatiently flipped through those familiar pages that had chronicled Green Band’s false starts and stops from the beginning

    16. All mistaken ideas, false starts, badly designed experiments, and incorrect calculations are omitted

    17. It is easier to find a pivot in the futures, especially to find a pinpoint to short and I like to sell, rather than go long, which has a false start often, compared to going short

    18. After a few false starts, Billy Wilder submitted a two-page proposal to Marilyn for a film he was writing called Some Like It Hot

    19. However, at the very beginning of this project, I sat down with my researchers and investigators and posed the very important question: What is there about Marilyn Monroe that has not been reported in about a hundred other books about her? It took us some time to answer that question, and we had a few false starts over the years—as my publisher well knows! However, it was the relationship between Marilyn and her mother, Gladys Baker, that began to most fascinate me as we continued our research, and I soon realized that it was one of the stories I most wanted to tell on these pages—because it had never before been told

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