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    Use "fixtures" in a sentence

    fixtures example sentences


    1. Two thousand years of foot traffic had worn the floors to rolling hills, the glass in the windows had sagged and the marble plumbing fixtures were heavily eroded, though they were just replaced a few centuries ago

    2. Griggsy! She'd never know what he'd put in there, what he'd done, what ridiculous, crazy, stupid, arrogant, pompous, jackass technology he'd gone right ahead and rammed into the thing's very registers, into its very fibers, into the permanent read-only fixtures of its central core

    3. The metallic fixtures and

    4. It was the last week of August, he had trenched, laid pipe, fitted and made connections, run a drain to the existing out house, installed two pumps and a few fixtures, and was ready to test the system

    5. expensive fixtures in the room

    6. Nothing was torn, and nothing lacked a nail or paint, but all the fixtures and fittings had the furniture equivalent of senility

    7. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand how the hotel’s outdated fixtures could have struck her as charming, because at the moment…

    8. They aren’t, but fixtures in the ceiling spray tinted vapor

    9. He felt around the wall for the switch, bringing the room alive in fluorescent fixtures hanging from the ceiling

    10. records, and lighting fixtures

    11. installation of appliances and fixtures

    12. Now that your old plumbing fixtures have been

    13. the new plumbing fixtures will be such as the

    14. keep other fixtures alive with water

    15. You obviously need to add shiny new light fixtures by replacing the old lighting fixtures in place

    16. new light fixtures that will hang over the table which will have a positive impact on your potential buyers

    17. They would keep his resume on hand in case they needed fixtures or gauges for any future job where such items weren't supplied by the customer—that happened on occasion

    18. floors on both levels, wiped down all the new and beautiful fixtures and cabinets in my

    19. I’d made water shoot out of the bathroom fixtures

    20. There were huge globe chandeliers and lighting fixtures, and books flew across the room from one shelf to another

    21. Granny and Laurence had some of their own bits and pieces that they brought from their own particular backgrounds but other than that everything else was fixtures and fittings provided by the landlord

    22. There are lots of light fixtures today that can be powered by the sunlight

    23. fixtures were beautiful, and the chairs and tables were

    24. Nimitz and his officers then found themselves in a luxurious lounge with wall-to-wall carpeting and brass and silver fixtures and decorations

    25. insurance that covers the property’s fixtures and fittings

    26. fixtures, fittings or furnishings, supplied by the landlord in the

    27. � Three electric lamp fixtures were the only modern concessions in the room

    28. road-level – behind obstacles, trees, and fixtures, that would give cover to the attackers

    29. The room was big, with walls apparently made of metal, and strange fixtures lined the walls on two sides, while some kind of very bright lamps were fixed to the ceiling

    30. fixtures: the streets, the buildings, the pages of the Wall Street Journal

    31. report how much stickout is needed to clear the work, fixtures and other

    32. James turned and gazed at the light fixtures above them once again since they had started their investigation

    33. no practices and players were advised of fixtures by post

    34. home fixtures were usually on Friday nights

    35. for their weekend fixtures

    36. As the whole idea of the new bank was that it would spend little money on premises, fixtures and fittings, £7000 was a big obstacle

    37. Delivery of the lighting fixtures has been agreed for in advance with a specialized supplier

    38. The marble fixtures,

    39. Then he installs the finish walls and flooring, bathroom cabinets, and the new plumbing fixtures

    40. Chrome fixtures and fitting surround the room cause the sunlight to bounce of them causing light spots across the floor

    41. The few fixtures gleamed

    42. Its pool was dry, filled to the brim with gravel and dirt; its tubs and toilets were stained from years of hard-water mineral build-up; mold and mildew grew unimpeded between fixtures and walls; and the furniture stood in gross need of replacement

    43. SWALLOWED UP IN DARKNESS, the penthouse’s white carpet, with its medley of leather furniture, expensive fixtures and nude statu-ettes, became a colossal, cryptic maze

    44. Fixtures often have fans incorporated into them to keep the bulbs operating at

    45. end fish tank hoods and fixtures have multiple power cords that are tied into the multiple light

    46. Amy walked around, touching the old fixtures and medical equipment

    47. It was virtually buried in the scrub and there were no windows to look out over the channel; just a joined pair of square concrete structures whose sides measured no more than six paces each, a cold concrete floor, flat roof and no electricity or plumbing fixtures

    48. The type of projects where this sprayer may be used: in new home construction where there are not many items and fixtures to worry about

    49. hardwood seats, fixtures and oars

    50. fixtures to expand existing industry on Mars, and the for the new businesses

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