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    Use "gross national product" in a sentence

    gross national product example sentences

    gross national product

    1. The gross national product refers to the sum of all goods and services produced by United States residents, either in the United States or abroad

    2. The addiction for an ever-increasing gross national product

    3. In an age when the gross national product of nations is public knowledge, and financial institutions on Wall Street blare out what they are worth: the richest banks in the world keep their accounts a secret… and nobody seems to care or notice or insist that this be rectified

    4. As a result, the gross national production of English factories, farms, and mill exploded

    5. These estimates, in turn, are grounded first on general economic forecasts of gross national product, and then on special calculations applicable to the industry and company in question

    6. It has been shown repeatedly that the autocorrelation functions of economic time series, such as series of stock prices over days, weeks, or months, or the gross national product of various countries over years, do not decay exponentially as they would if the process generating the series were a simple autoregressive process

    7. Publishing, with the textbook division, might see the same level of shrinkage that the school-age population saw-gross national product at best (GNP) level growth, with not much more room for margin improvement after the initial round of cost cutting

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