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    Use "invective" in a sentence

    invective example sentences


    1. With each passing day the weight of the blows always seemed a little heavier and his invective a little louder, lasting for longer

    2. She also laid forth with every twist of invective an old sailor could come up with

    3. Enjteen tried to get her to stay, but he had no more information, just more invective and innuendo

    4. The conversation was a scintillating blend of weather, politics, gossip, invective at a particularly offending, ‘Member’ of the Opposition; whom I wasn’t familiar with; and puckish jokes from Jennifer and her sisters three

    5. Desultory argument ensued, with the pair of them half-heartedly disputing the laurel crown of good-natured invective

    6. The religiously infused invective infuriates the irreligious people, who respond by lobbing more beer cans and bottles at the priest

    7. him, wanted to scream every invective she could recall

    8. He was having a conference call with Barry and me and he wasn’t a happy camper by the sound of his voice and invective

    9. If he opened his mouth he’d let loose a stream of useless invective

    10. Matching Delmar invective for invective, he exited the ship and took off down the hill after the two of them well aware that the rains may start at any moment

    11. At first, anger and invective were levelled at the Doctor, and then, slowly, a plan emerged, debated and agreed upon

    12. As the invective from senior French politicians as a result of the UK’s negotiating position at the European summit last week becomes harsher, we should maybe ponder the wisdom that long term relationships benefit from Win-Win negotiating style

    13. She responded in kind and the invective became increasingly shrill

    14. ” Pierce continued to spew threats and invective as he clutched his crotch and tried to get to his feet

    15. ” She flinched and held the handset away from her ear while the Captain vented his anger in what, she had to admit, was an impressively pirate-like spiel of profane invective

    16. sincerity; pessimism is the prevailing tone and thereis much invective

    17. From the time when the Amadises and Palmerins began to grow popular down to the very end of the century, there is a steady stream of invective, from men whose character and position lend weight to their words, against the romances of chivalry and the infatuation of their readers

    18. I turned to glance at the Reverend, who with a burst of invective scuttled behind the throne and shoved some red wine at me

    19. I now related my history briefly but with firmness and precision, marking the dates with accuracy and never deviating into invective or exclamation

    20. Thus Boileau, in the guise of invective, eulogizes Louis XIV

    21. The general leaped to his feet, and, probably for the first time in his life, there burst from his lips, generally so mild and gentle, a torrent of bitter invective against Benigsen, whom, for some reason or other, he took to be the principal author of the decision to retreat

    22. Suddenly the air was rent by a stream of blistering invective, and a Cockney Tommy turned round on his pal, who had tripped and accidentally prodded him with the point of his bayonet, and at the top of his voice said:

    23. The letter, sir, was an answer to a violent invective against me, published in the same paper a short time before, in which besides a number of other charges against me, it was imputed to me as a crime that I acted in opposition to the Executive

    24. It is scarcely possible to comprise, within the same compass, more of the spirit of whatever is bitter in invective, and humiliating in aspersion

    25. As to your stump orators, who utter low invective and mistake it for wit, and gross personality, and pass it off for argument, I descend not to their level; nor recognize their power to injure; nor even to offend

    26. If he has counted us the aggressors and the outlaws, we have hurled back upon him the fiercest invective known to human speech

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    Synonyms for "invective"

    invective vitriol vituperation vituperative scurrilous captious truculent denunciation reproach scorn censure contumely epithet railing malediction

    "invective" definitions

    abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will