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    justices example sentences


    1. for two justices of the peace, upon complaint made by the church-wardens or overseers of the

    2. the parish where he was then living, as those justices should judge sufficient

    3. the poor, and allowed by two justices of the peace, that every other parish should be obliged to

    4. orders of the justices of peace in every particular county, both these practices have now gone

    5. The authority of three justices of the peace was, by the statute of Edward VI

    6. Under the local or provincial administration of the justices of the peace in Great Britain, the six days labour which the country people are obliged to give to the reparation of the highways, is not always, perhaps, very judiciously applied, but it is scarce ever exacted with any circumstance of cruelty or oppression

    7. Iredell became one of the first justices to be appointed to the nation’s highest court, and North Carolina honored him by naming a

    8. Until such a time Science invents a time machine capable of transporting vast populations to the Wellsian corners of time and space, our Justices would be well-advised to correctly consider the direction our society has taken and the incomparable nature of crime in today‘s environment marked by an unprecedented increase in youthful offenders whose

    9. Except for the AIDS issue, the world is far better off if GW Bush had not been appointed president by five Supreme Court justices, instead remaining a poor businessman and a figurehead as the Governor of Texas

    10. own? Two of our Supreme court justices, Ginsburg and Breyer, have cited international law in their

    11. 23 And you, Esdras, according to the wisdom of God ordain judges and justices, that

    12. For it is not for the justices of our fathers that we pour out our prayers, and beg mercy in your

    13. And they have not known his justices, nor walked by the ways of God's

    14. Since the earliest days of its existence the United States Supreme Court has rendered decisions indicating that it holds itself above the Constitution when a majority of the Justices feel their views are superior to constitutional requirements

    15. State and federal legislation that happened not to appeal to the economic or social views of a majority of Justices was sacrificed in mechanical application of the Court’s inventions

    16. Demands mounted to “pack” the Supreme Court by increasing its size with additional Justices favorable to the New Deal policies

    17. But an even more predatory minority of four Justices was already building a new head of steam, and a powerful head it would turn out to be

    18. Weary of exercising merely a peremptory veto, the four rebel Justices itched to break out of the confines of simply reviewing acts of Congress, the President, or the States

    19. Why be so restrained, these Justices seemed to hint in their militant dissents, when the Court might do the legislating itself and get it right the first time? But with the exception of the 1947 case of Everson v

    20. The activist minority of the Justices, straining to set the Court on a new and more aggressive course, sensed a landmark case in the making

    21. The Court’s actual “authority,” and the true basis for its decision, was the morals, social ethics, and personal preferences of the Justices themselves

    22. What the Constitution may require, or the oath the Justices take to uphold the Constitution, are matters of no consequence

    23. Such a regime is what Supreme Court Justices, guided by the “living Constitution” doctrine, in fact represent

    24. It is also a truth that a majority of the Justices on the Supreme Court usually prefer to ignore

    25. The covert Justices and the overt revolutionists share a zealous faith in whatever they believe to be just causes

    26. By the turn of the 20th century the Justices began to impose their views of social and economic justice with ever increasing frequency

    27. A number of the Justices have openly expressed dissatisfaction with the opportunities available to the Court to enlarge its jurisdiction

    28. What these Justices seek is a vastly more powerful springboard for their revolutionary innovations

    29. At the Eleventh Circuit Court Conference in Hollywood Florida on May 17, 2005, Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh characterized Justices Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Steven Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Paul Stevens, and Sandra Day O’Connor as enlightened “transnationalists

    30. ” That means these Justices are willing to cite foreign courts and legislatures to justify further innovations to the American Constitution, which they will then label “constitutional” law

    31. The Justices to whom Dean Koh refers affirm, in their own words, that this is their intent

    32. Is making a “good impression” the “all-important” job of the Supreme Court? And who are she, and her like-minded fellow Justices, trying to impress? Would it be a fair guess that an “all-important good impression” is intended to register, not within the American judicial system, or with the American people, but amongst her peers of the world’s judicial elite?

    33. The worldwide sources to be consulted by these Justices may include decisions of courts in countries that have no constitutional basis of their own to begin with

    34. These judicial jewels are to be polished and set to illuminate or displace provisions of our own Constitution that these Justices find to be insufficient, or even repugnant, as written

    35. A leading index to the real Barack Hussein Obama could be found in pre-election words spoken about the prospective appointment of Justices to the Supreme Court

    36. Four justices (Supreme Court USA) apparently thought that this could be corrected,

    37. even at the eleventh hour; for five other justices, time had run out and it was too late to go through a hand count for the entire State of Florida

    38. Roosevelt to appoint six New Deal justices to nullify the votes on the Court of six sitting judges who were 70 years or older

    39. and at the same time when the Court, especially when Justices Stone, Brandeis, and Cardozo (and on occasion, Chief Justice Hughes and

    40. pass a law premiting Supreme Court justices to retire at 70 on full pay

    41. on the Court generally, two of the older justices, Van Devanter and 140 _________________________Robert Gates, Sr

    42. He was also something of a publicity seeker who had broken all precedents in conduct of Supreme Court justices by engaging in partisan debate outside the court

    43. They were Justices Stone and

    44. The Justices that are out to destroy our Constitution are: Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter, Anthony Kennedy and John Paul Stevens

    45. The justices went about their demolition job on the Constitu-

    46. God” does nothing to establish a religion and the justices know this

    47. The justices, feeling sorry for the folks making this plea, told

    48. Court Justices that has stated openly that the courts must look to the European courts for guidance not to the Constitution

    49. justices should be impeached but they will not be, because neither the President nor Congress has the courage to do so

    50. and reciprocity from terrorists? Apparently, we have five black-robed justices who are sympathetic to the terrorists

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