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    Use "legally" in a sentence

    legally example sentences


    1. He reported to the Haad via Diam, many, many levels up, so Diam legally had access to this space, but the chance of him finding it was about as great as his doing the nanocontrol of the ship's reactor manually

    2. Richard and I were legally wed

    3. poor, to remove any new inhabitant to the parish where he was last legally settled ; unless he

    4. parish where he was last legally settled, subscribed by the church-wardens and overseers of

    5. They could, before the expiration of their term, be legally ousted of their leases by a new purchaser; in England, even, by the fictitious action of a common recovery

    6. n: currency that cannot legally be refused in payment of a debt

    7. “But we’re acting legally

    8. say that you can legally obtain it from different websites from the Internet

    9. As they both knew, they were close to a confession, one that would be legally binding

    10. Legally, according to the longhaired liberals in parliament, the SAP had to fire three warning shots before aiming only to wound

    11. Legally the SAP had been created by parliament in 1913 with the sole purpose to enforce the laws of parliament

    12. The Nationalists, in effect, forced the SAP to self-destruct by either refusing to enforce the laws constructed by its political masters (legally impossible), or to enforce the shameful laws and thereby lose the respect of the vulnerable which it should be protecting

    13. What can someone do when they have to legally enforce laws so unjust that they caused a civil war? I know the answer today now that I'm middle-aged and have worked as a lawyer at the most famous Human Rights law firm in Africa

    14. A good idea to be sure, but it also meant that white males in South Africa cannot legally be hired into 97% of available jobs, which simply means whites are not employable, and since skill plays no role in hiring, the whole country’s infrastructure is rapidly collapsing causing widespread rioting

    15. If that is not sufficient proof, I respectfully refer you to the “Sobukwe” clause enacted during the 1970s, which was a disgrace and legally designed only to keep Mr

    16. His Porsche drew a lot of appreciation, and he must have been the only SAP sergeant who could legally afford one

    17. The thing is that legally, as long as what you publish is the truth and in public interest or already public knowledge their chances of winning a libel case against you (or me for this book) are less than zero and the publicity you gain for your cause is tremendous

    18. I guarantee you that legally very few listed companies owns anything physical of value

    19. Why mention it then? Merely because it means legally Mr I am the big bankster can be sued for his wrongful deeds and feel the heat for a change

    20. As an forensic law expert I can tell you that legally any bank caught with money laundering will face severe (hundreds of millions) in fines and (we hope) a few banksters in jail

    21. Consequently with the Civil Union Act gays and lesbians can also be legally married

    22. When you ask and she agrees and the two of you are legally able to marry then you are engaged

    23. This was not always the case because under Roman law a widow could not legally be married within one year of her husband's death (did not need to be actually dead - if captured as a prisoner of war he was considered dead)

    24. One of those wagons filled with food each day would have saved much suffering to the men at the front and to the refugees, for whose plight we were morally if not legally responsible

    25. Legally we were looking for signs of under-age sexual conduct (called statutory rape) and also prostitution, as well as drug use which often also happen with such cases

    26. Not sure it was legally applicable but the Major was very much like the Colonel in this regard

    27. Many, even today, are not comfortable with it but legally, I can assure you, I would not want to be in South Africa without the bill of human rights

    28. Such principles, as they relate to Equal (Civil) Rights, for example, are recognized by social and political conventions allowing every individual, who is legally registered, for example, the right to vote or a licensed driver the right to own or operate an automobile or a prospective home buyer, with sufficient capital or credit, the right to purchase a house or a condo or whatever falls within his or her means

    29. …joined together for purposes of price-fixing, unlawful trade practices and restraint of trade…acquiring an unfair (―competitive‖) advantage over its market rivals…resulting in artificially higher prices than the consumer could (otherwise) afford to pay for (certain) products and services…not so a highly successful company that has carefully positioned itself in the open market…(properly) planning, researching, developing, designing, manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing its products and services at a lower cost than its competitors while passing the savings along to its customers…these companies, having legally complied with existing laws and regulations, should not be penalized for their achievements…coerced into sharing their formulae for success with their (underachieving) competitors as the courts oftentimes mandate…

    30. The Latin legal term caput gerat lupinum meant they could be hunted and killed as legally as any dangerous wolf or wild animal that threatened the area

    31. What happened and is happening to the law abiding white Zimbabwean farmers being violently chased of their farms which they bought legally is nothing short of genocide and will be seen in history one day for what it is

    32. Democrats are still throwing a temper tantrum over that bitterly contested election nearly two years after its outcome has been (legally) decided

    33. Legally long hair liberals will argue that all Egg Breakers are the same as a terrorist and it is state sponsored terrorism

    34. Once a black type of operation is launched and money is paid to agents of influence etc it is very hard to explain legally what you did and why you did it for reasons which the judge will believe

    35. During the last days of Apartheid a blanket amnesty was given to all members of the Security Branch but it did not stand legally in court for these very reasons

    36. It also explains the lack of a human rights culture and how the courts were abused into Apartheid legally for the Judges were not necessarily supporters

    37. Under the surreal name the Act for the Government and Protection of Indians, any white male could legally enslave any Native, not just children but adults of any age, by getting him declared an “orphan” by the courts

    38. Legally, Natives and other nonwhites were barred from testifying in court, filing suit, or voting

    39. I argued in the past that the creative application of Forensic Law created a new field of Law but we know it is legally impossible for a practitioner to create new Law

    40. For instance we can follow the money trail but getting your money back is almost impossible unless you pay someone in that country willing to assist you legally

    41. Then the plug is pulled on him for some reason which might be legally fair and normally is not but it may look fair on the surface

    42. You can be protected legally

    43. You invest in a company and obtain a minority shareholding for your money and in fact the shares are legally transferred to you by the auditors and you are part of the company

    44. Legally the local Government (where the kidnapping took place or where my hostage is held) is under no obligation to ask your permission before they attempt the rescue and you may not even be aware of it until after it happened

    45. My hostage salary should still be paid because he is still legally employed

    46. Of greater importance, however, is the extent an individual, with very few exceptions, should be held legally (or morally) liable for his or her decided actions however uncertain their underlying motives

    47. For electronic transfers there are some compliance rules to follow – to take the money out of the country needs registration to do so legally

    48. Socialist Salvador Allende was legally elected in 1970, and Nixon immediately conspired with the CIA and phone company AT&T to overthrow him with a blockade, strikes, paid agitators, until finally a military coup brought him down

    49. Today, Samoans are legally US Nationals, but not citizens

    50. By the time of the nationwide ban, only South Carolina still legally allowed slaves brought in from overseas

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    Synonyms for "legally"

    legally de jure lawfully

    "legally" definitions

    by law; conforming to the law

    in a legal manner