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    Use "legitimately" in a sentence

    legitimately example sentences


    1. ‘Why? What could he do? We were legitimately

    2. She could legitimately go to this gathering in New

    3. Junya was legitimately Khevasiah"s man

    4. Jefferson and Lincoln warned of the danger posed by an irresponsible Supreme Court more interested in inventing and imposing its own arbitrary sense of “justice” than in enforcing the rule of law legitimately enacted

    5. blocked the elections fearing that North Vietnam"s Communist dictator Ho Chi Minh might corrupt the election process in his region or legitimately win the election because of his status as a popular Vietnamese nationalist who fought French and Japanese imperialists

    6. But legitimately, one may ask, what of “hot” coffee at McDonalds?

    7. can build a uterus for themselves, their own uterus, one that they legitimately

    8. Can we legitimately deduce that true actions, the ones that are not

    9. "Since you are not legitimately the CO of this ship and I am," said Summers, "I refuse

    10. He would legitimately ask why on earth we were all striving so hard when we had everything and more that we could possibly need

    11. Both divisions have legitimately valid and verified

    12. Mr Osbairne probably made his money legitimately

    13. They will come to you, lawfully and legitimately

    14. One of the best ways to enable them to gain power and recognition legitimately is by

    15. (Q) Is there any trait or attribute that is legitimately genetic and that we receive from our parents? What aspects of our physical selves are determined by the traits and attributes of our parents and what is determined by spirit before our lifetime?

    16. How many of those could you legitimately add to your list (without spamming)?

    17. For now, it was camouflaged by my legitimately busy schedule, which included giving seminars in hotel conference rooms with her, so I also had a public face to maintain

    18. However, despite the 860 American soldiers, sailors and airmen killed today, Hart still could legitimately consider this battle as a victory

    19. Julius was legitimately confused

    20. This is the only way we can legitimately achieve Immortality, and it is this which we teach with Energy Enhancement

    21. would legitimately become the heiress presumptive herself

    22. “Well, the Enterprise responded by saying they would only communicate with the legitimately elected

    23. Owens, keep hailing the Gorn and offer them alternatives to violence, and broadcast it on all frequencies so that Star Fleet knows that we legitimately attempted to avert this crisis

    24. There is only two ways to accumulate things legitimately

    25. The other way to legitimately acquire things is gifts

    26. The car is legitimately mine, not because I worked and earned it, but because someone gave it to me

    27. But its still nonetheless legitimately mine

    28. There is only two ways to accumulate things legitimately: one way is to work for it and earn it

    29. But it’s still nonetheless legitimately mine

    30. A wife cannot legitimately ask her husband to satisfy her sexually, she can only demand that she be fed, clothed, and housed

    31. The husband’s refusal to make love to his wife is simply considered as a free renunciation of his legitimately acquired sexual rights

    32. The merchant seemed to be legitimately perplexed, and appeared to be telling the truth

    33. “I strongly disagree,” belted out a group of powerless protesters from the Collaboration of Those Who Angrily Disagree With Any Form of Legitimately Sanctioned Policing and/or Law Enforcement in the Kroonum System

    34. If this whole thing was legitimately one-sided, he’d just accept and move on

    35. It’s a real gift to legitimately like and respect her

    36. What would he have done if you’d said yes? You’re probably the only woman in America who could legitimately plan a wedding in four days

    37. This was, after all, a memory they could both legitimately share

    38. what, he legitimately saw

    39. I don't appear before it tinkles, because of the peculiar preciousness of all the moments I can legitimately spend in my bedroom; but, if I were to, I would find Mrs

    40. Cookham had been shocked at first when Audrey told her this, but only for an instant, for she got over shocks, thanks to her cheerful nature, quicker almost than anybody--she could have married him, if not with the blessing of the Church yet perfectly legitimately in a registrar's office

    41. Truly the ways of Providence were admirable, thought Fanny, struck by its thoroughness, by its attention to the smallest detail--here, for instance, was Soames going to be removed from her life legitimately, smoothly, and happily

    42. The Ferrari hadn’t been found, but in order to search legitimately the Feds needed a warrant

    43. Robert might kill her--Ingram was saying so, she heard that, too; he didn't say kill, he called it ill-using, but whatever it was who cared? She would at least, she thought with a new grimness, be killed legitimately

    44. Therefore the cover cannot have been unbuttoned legitimately, it cannot have been unbuttoned by any one authorised to unbutton it

    45. But he wondered, quite legitimately, if it could really be called cowardice to avoid a hidden enemy

    46. would then return them legitimately to avoid suspicion

    47. Just because I cheated when it came to tests doesn’t mean I didn’t legitimately educate myself from time to time

    48. This time I want us to make a go of it legitimately,” proposed Roger

    49. Adorno convinced himself that the mercenary had abducted and raped her, and he intended to abort the bastard child after they were legitimately wed

    50. be experienced legitimately, it asks that the corresponding license be acquired

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    Synonyms for "legitimately"

    legitimately lawfully licitly

    "legitimately" definitions

    in a manner acceptable to common custom

    in a lawfully recognized manner