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    Use "make a show of" in a sentence

    make a show of example sentences

    make a show of

    1. Colling pulled out the notebook that he had carried in his suitcase from Germany, and began to make a show of comparing it with the list he had been given

    2. When all were built, they should make a show of crossing the bridges late in the afternoon and setting up camp right on the bank without sending out any sentries

    3. her carefully unwrap the meat and make a show of eating it

    4. ' Have you read where Jeremiah said, `Let not the rich man glory in his riches'; and Ezekiel spoke truth when he said, `With their mouths they make a show of love, but their hearts are set upon their own selfish gain'

    5. But the traitor had to do something to account for his presence with this armed band, and besides, he wanted to make a show of carrying out his part of the betrayal bargain with the rulers of the Jews in order to be eligible for the great reward and honors which he believed would be heaped upon him in compensation for his promise to deliver Jesus into their hands

    6. Their orders came quickly, allowing them to make a show of raising their glasses to each other

    7. Dreadfully vain down in my heart, I go about pretending a fine aloofness from such weakness, so that when nobody sees anything in me--and nobody ever does--I may at least make a show of not having expected them to

    8. Nacho didn’t take the time to make a show of child-like expressions disguising his sadism but just answered frankly for once: “The worst that can happen to the safe is that it will open up

    9. The boys have to make a show of wanting them

    10. When the water of divine self is pumped up through the narrowness of fountain nozzle (forms) then it jets up in the air to make a show of itself

    11. Making our way further into the city on a sightseeing tour, while Captain Sargas and his men had split off to make a show of trading I came to the conclusion that this was not the place indicated in Gavin’s visions and I said as much, when we were alone for a moment

    12. Secretly, all alone with him, at night! It is a violation of all duties! Or, worse yet, she may make a show of that audacity, of that insolence in crime, which, by its excess, tends to prove innocence

    13. At first it seemed to me that the fulfilment of this matter required some preparation, arrangement or community of men, holding similar views,—the consent of one’s family, life in the country; it seemed to me disgraceful to make a show of myself before people, to undertake a thing so improper in our conditions of existence, as bodily toil, and I did not know how to set about it

    14. Some of the lads embrace them and weep with them, others make a show of courage, and others try to comfort them

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