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    materialistic example sentences


    1. We have become selfish individuals, taking all decisions based on materialistic considerations and adopted a culture marketed by others

    2. are small, selfish, materialistic, and not spiritual, or that we are

    3. Miss Danvers was not a materialistic woman but she did inherit some items from her mother which, as she has no family to pass them to, will now fall into a no-man’s land of ownership

    4. Kuthra was a little materialistic and status conscious

    5. who restore faith in love in this otherwise materialistic world!

    6. destruction was a lot of self materialistic people

    7. In these materialistic times, success could be easily be construed as the achievement of one’s goal to attain massive fortune and fame for self gratification

    8. while living in a very materialistic world

    9. She shall use their own materialistic greed to vanquish them and cleanse herself of these destructive individuals

    10. Due to our social exposure where we live in this so called materialistic

    11. " The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic

    12. If we are not willing to accept the truth about our society, then we will refuse to look in the mirror, and we will have a fear-based egoic materialistic misinformed society

    13. This four step process transforms our selfish materialistic egoic reality into a true spiritualism

    14. It causes us to be selfish and materialistic

    15. It is almost completely materialistic

    16. I have the power to decide whether I want to entangle myself in an endless materialistic race for status, or not

    17. We Copts, for example, choose to concentrate on the spiritual rather than the materialistic, thereby reducing but not eliminating the Red Queen's race in our community

    18. I do not see the justice of my never making more than $100k in this materialistic world where newly minted “masters of the universe” on Wall Street and kids right out of law school make $150k

    19. The mystic rebels against materialistic knowledge in righteous ignorance which is completely consistent with attributing hyper-positivity to the unknown

    20. A philosopher might say that materialistic atoms in our universe exist in every possible universe and nowhere else

    21. His second goal was, at first sight, materialistic in nature

    22. Who have such materialistic

    23. Well you must first understand that elven criminals as a rule are not evil, nor are they materialistic in a conventional sense

    24. life have devoted themselves to materialistic but intellectual pursuits, fol-

    25. Eventually a strong repulsion from the Modern stage will happen due to people achieving materialistic goals and seeing that they are still unhappy and filled with anxiety

    26. This is a non-dual viewpoint opposite the materialistic viewpoint of objects and separation

    27. He did not want the materialistic teachings of the European culture

    28. the materialistic proofs that we are not

    29. Rays that were today opening up my spiritual vents closed by the daily materialistic existence of ours

    30. 4 The materialistic scientist and the extreme idealist are destined always to be at loggerheads

    31. It therefore becomes evident that Jesus of Nazareth could never satisfy this materialistic Messianic concept of the Jewish mind

    32. It was thus, they were at a loss to realize how their ambition had undone them after all! And that made them view their materialistic abundance with a sense of vacuity for want of emotional fulfillment

    33. But their euphoric resolve of love invariably lost out to the materialistic allure of the world

    34. If not, why should the feeling of contentment insulate man from being ambitious? After all, isn’t the sense of contentment all about the realization of materialistic insignificance? Why, it signifies the irrelevance of the self itself? On the contrary, won’t ambition exemplify man’s craving for his social relevance through every conceivable means? Given the collective irrelevance of man in the universality of being, what is the individual significance existentialism advocates?

    35. It was as though the ambitious couple accommodated each other's interests for marital amity but the way they gave allowances to each other’s obsessions finally led their union into a state of materialistic coma

    36. Matthew's weakness was his shortsighted and materialistic viewpoint of life

    37. The corrupt tune they set for the materialistic culture became the hymn of humanity

    38. It’s time one realized that as gods too turned materialistic, the worship of wealth was the worship of the gods

    39. He denounced slavish devotion to meaningless ceremonials and exposed the fallacy of materialistic worship

    40. But Scorpios can be too materialistic if they are not careful

    41. The more or less composite and compromising transition stage between the materialistic concepts of the kingdom held by the Master's followers and those more idealistic and spiritual concepts taught by Jesus, had now definitely ended

    42. The spiritual loyalties of the kingdom are incompatible with servility to materialistic mammon

    43. What evidence we have of life in early communities suggests a much greater respect for nature, and less materialistic attitudes than is found in modern civilisation

    44. 5 Religion is now confronted by the challenge of a new age of scientific minds and materialistic tendencies

    45. 1 Scientists have unintentionally precipitated mankind into a materialistic panic; they have started an unthinking run on the moral bank of the ages, but this bank of human experience has vast spiritual resources; it can stand the demands being made upon it

    46. 4 At the time of this writing the worst of the materialistic age is over; the day of a better understanding is already beginning to dawn

    47. The higher minds of the scientific world are no longer wholly materialistic in their philosophy, but the rank and file of the people still lean in that direction as a result of former teachings

    48. We realized the dangers involved when our society is run on greed and materialistic rewards

    49. to inner peace, and as such, materialistic goals are distractions

    50. When I went back home, people had everything in the materialistic sense and were surrounded with abundance, but they were not happy - Goldie Hawn

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    bourgeois conservative materialistic mercenary worldly-minded practical mundane advertising prosaic commercial

    "materialistic" definitions

    marked by materialism

    conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class