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    Use "meaninglessness" in a sentence

    meaninglessness example sentences


    1. Sci–Coll's superficial meaninglessness betrays a deeper meaning

    2. Nothingness is true meaninglessness, yet I am meaning

    3. Freedom is understood in the meaninglessness of choice

    4. At least that was what he wanted to say, his mind and his tongue combining, but the meaning was swallowed up by meaninglessness, and the dancing words of the mind-cane were not enough for him to be heard

    5. For myself, as no doubt for most of my friends, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation from a certain system of morality

    6. “Garcia has a theory about the seemingly meaninglessness of the formations,” Data said

    7. This is the tragedy: that meaninglessness does not see itself as tragic

    8. Meaninglessness is a world without possibility

    9. Meaninglessness is the womb of visions

    10. “As is the void of meaninglessness

    11. In the coming job drought scenario, humanity will have to figure out what is the nature and function of education; it is a whole new sense of meaninglessness because there will be no jobs, no things that need to be done

    12. apparent injustices or meaninglessness

    13. The power of identification can also make the dry emptiness and meaninglessness of no self seem more real

    14. Which reinforces the consumer cynicism of meaninglessness of their entire lives

    15. Sports spectatorship is merely one more way by which humans avoid the meaninglessness of their own lives

    16. Once European Philosophy and Religion had rationally self-destructed itself into the insanity of absurd meaninglessness; the entire European civilization tried to destroy itself in two self-destroying World Wars

    17. You cannot have a society based upon consumption without the cultural justification of greed, worthlessness and meaninglessness

    18. The belief in meaninglessness and the attempt to fill that empty void with anything: even superstition, was created when humans first felt a need to invent meaning for their own lives

    19. And the root origin of this need is the fear of powerlessness: or uselessness, which translates into the fear of meaninglessness

    20. A belief in luck or fate is an easy answer, an easy way to appease and rationalize the sense of powerlessness and meaninglessness in your life, which comes from existing inside the hierarchical structure of civilization

    21. The idea of reading a book about the meaninglessness of human civilization and doing nothing about it, watching a comedian destroy everything civilization stands for and doing nothing about it, is why their legacy and the entire western world is doomed

    22. The worship of perfection is the worship of meaninglessness

    23. By this ancient royal privilege, watered down into mass-manufactured meaninglessness, the elite owners of the western world have managed to fool the lower classes into believing that buying plastic shit at K-mart in some way gives them a special kind of upper class status

    24. Dying from the meaninglessness of their work

    25. As long as you have hope: then you will endure the meaninglessness of your life and the meaninglessness of the oppression you are forced to live-in

    26. Now there is only meaninglessness and abstraction

    27. Denver glorified the meaninglessness of life

    28. Consumers believe in the meaninglessness of life

    29. The meaninglessness of the consumer culture: glorified and praised

    30. This pervasive sense of meaninglessness is never closely examined

    31. The condition of non-questioning normality is by definition a condition of meaninglessness

    32. To not develop a sense of wonder; is to allow the perception of chaos and meaninglessness to triumph

    33. The joke of the meaninglessness of the pin numbers of the Middle Ages in Europe has been repeated and recreated by the undead until now: living humans are born into an artificial civilization whose beliefs are so insane: living humans have stopped trying to justify it, rationalize it or explain it or understand the insanity of civilization

    34. This is the horror of meaninglessness when there is no love in human society

    35. � That's a good reason to stay away from the post-modern, post-structural choice of meaninglessness, but that's our choice

    36. � In the depths of his stay at the concentration camp Auschwitz, Frankl looked nakedly into the face of meaninglessness and hopelessness

    37. � The meaninglessness of self and being, of life itself, has even become part of our academic discourse

    38. �� There is no tiger for us, but endlessly choosing the wrong door may cause us to despair and believe in the tiger: alienation and meaninglessness

    39. From the perceived sense of personal meaninglessness and psychological frustration from the experience of pain comes the desire to search for an answer to alleviate the state of spiritual and ‘physical’ trauma and alienation

    40. meaninglessness, and when he was spent and ready he resumed his position of fellatio with

    41. Ironically they each had happened only days apart as if to drive home the meaninglessness

    42. But the very notion of a God had become increasingly problematic for him and he wanted to discuss his persistent feelings of the meaninglessness of it all, which were often accompanied by dreams of handing in his notice

    43. Though a few feet separated the curtain from Mercer’s head, he could make out individual particles of blackness, the democratic meaninglessness of them scattered at random across the gauzy gray cloth

    44. How should he not know love, he, who has discovered all elements of human existence in their transitoriness, in their meaninglessness, and yet loved people thus much, to use a long, laborious life only to help them, to teach them! Even with him, even with your great teacher, I prefer the thing over the words, place more importance on his acts and life than on his speeches, more on the gestures of his hand than his opinions

    45. People who do not acknowledge Christianity in its true meaning because it undermines all their social privileges, and who, therefore, invent all kinds of philosophic and æsthetic theories to hide from themselves the meaninglessness and wrongness of their lives, cannot think otherwise

    46. To live as do the rich, idle people, especially the women, far from nature and from animals, in artificial conditions, with muscles atrophied or misdeveloped by gymnastics, and with enfeebled vital energy, would be impossible were it not for what is called art—for this occupation and amusement which hides from them the meaninglessness of their lives, and saves them from the dullness that oppresses them

    47. Take from all these people the theaters, concerts, exhibitions, piano-playing, songs, and novels with which they now fill their time, in full confidence that occupation with these things is a very refined, æsthetical, and therefore good occupation; take from the patrons of art who buy pictures, assist musicians, and are acquainted with writers, their rôle of protectors of that important matter art, and they will not be able to continue such a life, but will all be eaten up by ennui and spleen, and will become conscious of the meaninglessness and wrongness of their present mode of life

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    Synonyms for "meaninglessness"

    meaninglessness bunk hokum nonsense nonsensicality

    "meaninglessness" definitions

    a message that seems to convey no meaning

    the quality of having no value or significance