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    newton example sentences


    1. Friend of mine is a photographer at the Frontier hotel where Wayne Newton this appearing

    2. This must be West Newton, a town his father had taken him many times in the past

    3. After the stop outside West Newton, the sky changed from fading light to darkness as night took over

    4. One of history’s greatest scientists and mathematicians, Sir Isaac Newton, devoted more of his time in the late 1600s and early 1700s to the study of the Bible, than to that of science

    5. Newton was enthusiastic about this challenge and embarked on a journey, which would last for 55 years until his death in 1727

    6. ―For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction‖ (Newton)

    7. Back in the London Fire Brigade Headquarters, a call came in that there had been an explosion off Newton Green at 14

    8. Newton discovered the laws that bear his name, discovered them

    9. Sir Isaac Newton, the 17th century British mathematician and scientist, took the other route

    10. Newton supposedly became interested in falling objects one day when an apple fell off a tree in his garden

    11. The ideas of Einstein and Newton are not physical things, but they have a great deal to do with how we manage physical things

    12. Is it likely that the transient organic material of which neuroscience says humans are made, if devoid of the metaphysical imagination, could have produced a Newton or an Einstein, a poem, a novel, or a symphony?

    13. To contemplate the work of such giants as Michelangelo, Beethoven, Mozart, Shakespeare, Confucius, Sophocles, Aristotle, Newton, or Einstein is a daunting, possibly depressing experience

    14. Michael Newton found that souls accept a compact with the Universe upon

    15. It was Sir Isaac Newton, an English scientist, astronomer and philosopher, whose Third Law of Motion states, “ For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

    16. Prior to Newton

    17. In that year Newton published Philosphiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    18. Newton demonstrated that if you can determine the mass of a moving body, its direction, its velocity, and resistance to movement, you could predict where it would be at any given time in the future

    19. Or Newton and Kepler’s views on

    20. He became a newspaper owner in his native state on May 2, 1979, when he bought the Newton Observer-News-Enterprise

    21. 29 In another case, as reported by Ken Allen of the Charlotte Observer on February 11, 1980, Cyril “Shorty” Mebane of Newton, NC, about 45 miles northwest of Charlotte, is a typical seller

    22. The Newton Observer-News-Enterprise had been in his family since 1904

    23. said that Newton was crazy

    24. ” To begin with, the first step of the Scientific Method, as developed by Isaac Newton, is based upon observation (discovery) of a phenomenon

    25. But Marx, like Fourier, never used any testing or the scientific method, which method had been given definition, substance, and corroboration by England’s Isaac Newton

    26. However, when Newton commands the subject to ‘shift mental gears,’ to transfer awareness to a different mind, the subject does and is able to recall an existence in a particular higher energy universe

    27. PHYSICS: Isaac Newton, the virtual dictator of the

    28. for Newton found many aspects of the physical

    29. when religion objected, Newton always avoided

    30. econoscientists use the tact of Newton

    31. Bacon and Locke and Newton would advise

    32. technology, Newton was convinced that space can’t be empty, but

    33. It’s interesting to note that four hundred years ago Newton

    34. Newton agreed and circulated the letter among the new

    35. also interesting to wonder what Newton or Einstein would have

    36. Newton used to smuggle science into 17th century England at a time

    37. that, in the hands of experimental genius like Isaac Newton, quickly

    38. and cosmology, Newton set up what was to be a long-term tacit

    39. Royal Society under the leadership of Newton treated the Church

    40. But after Newton, the Society allowed member Charles

    41. and science very nearly wrecked the tacit agreement that Newton

    42. introduced with the celestial mechanics of Isaac Newton - a good effort, but only the beginning

    43. Newton, the man who owned the grocery store near our shop

    44. “You could be courts marshaled for saying that,” Newton threatened

    45. Newton took the hint and closed his mouth focusing his attention on the ground ahead

    46. Newton, because no man tells me what to think

    47. Newton, you will be sorry you ever set foot on this planet

    48. The grin on the man’s face challenged Newton to do something about the insult he had just been given

    49. Newton answered for the others

    50. Oliver Newton had been killed in hand-to-hand combat with a squad of Swordsmen who attacked the main settlement

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    Synonyms for "newton"

    isaac newton newton sir isaac newton n

    "newton" definitions

    English mathematician and physicist; remembered for developing the calculus and for his law of gravitation and his three laws of motion (1642-1727)

    a unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 m/sec/sec to a mass of 1 kilogram; equal to 100,000 dynes