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    non-combatant example sentences


    1. On July 5th a second demand for the surrender of Santiago under threat of bombardment was rejected by Toral, and non-combatants were advised to leave the city

    2. The sufferings of the army, though, were as nothing compared to the privations endured by the unfortunate civilians and non-combatants from Santiago

    3. Late in the afternoon a long line of emaciated non-combatants commenced to stream back to the city

    4. It is estimated that over three thousand people lost their lives through the humanity that allowed non-combatants to escape the puny bombardment which destroyed but a dozen houses

    5. it should be non-combatants which is a better description for everyone (whites) was guilty by having a common purpose of keeping the Nationalists in power

    6. Historically the closed thing to gulags the British ever imposed was against the Boers where 26 000 white women and children, all non-combatants, were slayed in concentration camps during the Anglo Boer War of 1899 - 1902

    7. In that war, there were no non-combatants, for even a babe in swaddling might carry a fearsome agent of death

    8. The Draconians of Serminak are now eighty-nine million, and even fewer of them are non-combatant at any given time

    9. arrived with the first load of non-combatants

    10. “One other thing, before the battle starts, we will send all non-combatants and the med ships to the surface

    11. There were instances of non-combatant women locked up and

    12. On the forlorn hope that all-out war could still be averted, he issued stringent instructions that non-combatant casualties were to be avoided at all costs

    13. I know how his mind works and what he went through in order to come to the conclusion that once everyone makes the choice to become, what he called enemy non-combatants, then the powers against the people will become ineffective

    14. I want it clear that you’re a non-combatant

    15. “The American Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman said it best when he noted that “Hell hath no fury like a non-combatant

    16. You attacked non-combatants

    17. “War is always hard on the non-combatants,” I said

    18. The Allies were more evil, more cunning than Hitler, their propaganda was better, their lies were better: they didn’t force their troops on the ground to commit mass genocide against innocent non-combatants as Hitler did

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