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    piqued example sentences


    1. could see that his interest had been piqued

    2. Herold’s imagination was piqued by this book’s Illustrated interchangeable mandala of symbols:

    3. You have obviously piqued the king’s interest

    4. And the Nord would be left with brows knitted and deliberate curiosities piqued

    5. That 'by whom' piqued the interests of all the company

    6. Cowl is piqued over the idea of lay people interacting in matters exceeding the limits of their professional expertise

    7. Mama Adele’s curiosity was suddenly piqued and she stopped chewing; she started asking the weirdest kind of questions:

    8. He wasn"t going to give up anything on Ralston, but the name had very clearly piqued his interest

    9. That bit of information piqued the old guy"s interest

    10. Ursempyre’s interest was at once piqued by what he was seeing all around him: Four large glass columns like huge rods brimming with light, seemingly supporting the tall, wide rocky chamber

    11. It was not because he felt his role demanded it so, but because his interest was genuinely piqued

    12. Hilderich took a step back, his interest piqued and his fears quietened for now

    13. The more distant she became, the more Ethan’s interest was piqued by what he felt like was a genuine example of the kind of women he rarely met: the hard ones

    14. Nicole turned to face him with a sudden twist, as if her interest had been piqued out of nowhere in particular

    15. It has only been the accidental juxtaposition of two of these elements that have piqued my curiosity to look more widely

    16. With this, the Exodus trilogy, one of the two that had originally piqued my interest into whether the broad brushes of history repeat themselves, is also complete

    17. And now we come to the Jesus story, the other part of the pair that had first piqued my interest, and had gotten me started down this line of analysis

    18. My interest was piqued about Grandfather’s book

    19. Ganesh couldn’t be sure, but it seemed he had piqued his adversary’s attention

    20. Believing that no student nor group of students have a right to deny other members of the college community the freedom to choose whatever vocation they wish, including the Marine Corps service, and piqued by the words “Communist” and “thinkers”, Roger decided to write a response to the challenging column

    21. “She and the rest of these silly does have had their little libidos piqued by the thought of being, shall we say, romantically coerced, by such a huge and handsome fellow as yourself! They not only wish to be of service to you, they hope to be serviced by you! And if you command it by their vow, why, they cannot be blamed for getting what they want, can they, though it would be considered more than mildly scandalous for girls of such tender years to initiate such a liaison with a big human like you!”

    22. If talking was out, still, furtive signaling could be done where a point of interest piqued their curiosity

    23. ” Mark told him, his interest obviously piqued

    24. This insult piqued his pride and rather than discouraging him, had just the

    25. If talking was out, still, furtive signaling could be done where a point of interest piqued their

    26. had so piqued his curiosity

    27. The presence of you travelers of various alignments has piqued my curiosity

    28. own clothing, my interest was immediately piqued

    29. “You have piqued my curiosity, Rex,” said the Liege of Mystic Down

    30. That piqued their curiosity

    31. Being common had always piqued him, as the age was

    32. Sonya however, had seen Louise and curiosity piqued

    33. Adrian's interest was piqued

    34. The girl, watching the swing of his broad shoulders, was piqued to note that there was nothing in his bearing to show that he was in any way chagrined or abashed

    35. Sancha's curiosity was piqued

    36. He did not argue the wisdom of his move; with his curiosity so piqued, he had no choice but to follow its promptings

    37. What the piqued Lawman wanted was to be on his air-conditioned house boat on Lake Kissimmee, kicked back sipping a cool one while five Missouri minnows connected to five cane poles frantically avoided the hors d‘oeuvre-ish overtures of speckled perch

    38. It was accompanied by the wailing of a desolate wind and, piqued by the sound, the President opened his eyes to look curiously at the new image

    39. There was a small screen against the wall that piqued my interest

    40. Rachel was not sure what it was about this one that piqued her interest

    41. ‘’Not even a little hint, miss?’’ Asked Alynda Wheat, her curiosity now piqued

    42. students and several of the Dons, who had their curiosity piqued by a carefully

    43. Or was there something more to her plan? Regardless, she had piqued Lady Jane’s curiosity, perhaps her only weakness, and convinced her that she should proceed cautiously in her acceptance of the invitation

    44. She touched Lady Jane’s hand as if to reassure her of some unknown fact then left her with her curiosity still piqued

    45. His own curiosity having been piqued by the frenetic intrusion that had given no detailed information about the “accident” that had occurred, Lowell tossed his hat on a vacant chair and followed loyally without reservation, though his long strides brought him directly to Feltus’s side as soon as they reached the corridor

    46. With his curiosity piqued by the inconsistencies that were imminent in his mind, he cautiously approached the corridor into which she had vanished and, though the elevator doors were closing just as he arrived, caught a glimpse of her luxurious emerald green satin gown in the corner of the cage

    47. With his interest now sufficiently piqued, he inquired, “What

    48. Alex’s interest was now piqued by the diversity of the company

    49. If someone were urging them to gloss this case over quickly, there was certainly more to this than initially met the eye, which in and of itself naturally piqued Wickland’s curiosity

    50. Furthermore, the connotations associated with the secrecy surrounding the protected document piqued his curiosity, increasing his desire to find out exactly what was contained therein

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