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    Use "point at" in a sentence

    point at example sentences

    point at

    1. He had left his space as is, the snowflakes were coming up from below at one percent gravity, Sol was a bright white point at their feet, their diversion just starting to be visible

    2. Granddad said that you couldn’t point at a rock or a crag or a tree and

    3. This was the point at which Tom, Alistair and the others in

    4. He didn’t make that point at this time

    5. from his vantage point at the rear of the church that the

    6. This is the point at which another perspective becomes useful

    7. Evangelism is the point at which the reality of Heaven invades

    8. The marine slowly raised his weapon to point at the dark priest, his movement a picture of stealth

    9. Timed to the microsecond with breaking free of the null point, the reactor was brought to life to begin its task of taking the now re-deployed string of moons ever further from the null point at

    10. (There is a point at which the reverse can happen if

    11. A handful of gleaming coins and a warm smile would be more than enough to convince the carriage driver to take her most of the way - just a bit further beyond the point at which the road split and the way upward to Meridia’s famed shrine came into view

    12. (Stands up and point at the Athlete)

    13. The curved blade was painted red and the metal head was fitted into a solid wooden handle that tapered into a point at the bottom, making both ends dangerous

    14. Then we watch as he is questioned again and he answers the senior Officers faces are like thunder they turn to the runner again and they gesticulate and point towards the Turkish lines and then they point at us the runner shakes his head but seems to be losing ground in the argument

    15. passed a point at which Jacob sighed, turning to face me

    16. Under the Obama administration, we have evolution in reverse, for we have now devolved to the point at which the state controls society

    17. Now inside a room, so vast that the walls nearly converged to a point at greatest distance

    18. When he begins to collect himself, I point at Liz and say, “This is his wife, and we are trying to find who did it

    19. point at the end of the line it was for the last time

    20. Halon always had a plan before, didn’t he? Had they been ambling through these previous adventures just ‘playing it by ear’? He realised Halon was under a lot of pressure from all sides and decided not to pursue the point at this time; they had already wasted valuable time in talking with Flesh’ailer and not moving onwards

    21. “They’re escaping! They’re escaping!” From his vantage point at the far end of the vast encampment, Dorro and Minty could see everything, including about two dozen children running for the woods, accompanied by some sword-wielding Thimble Downers led by Sheriff Forgo

    22. “Not far now,” Alex assured them a while later, leaning forward in his seat to point at a large rock shaped like a stooping figure

    23. viewpoint at al

    24. 2005 also marked the point at which support for the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars dropped sharply and the majority of Americans opposed both wars for the first time

    25. Truman used it to stretch his head sideways and extended his tongue to point at the lever

    26. That was the point at which I blacked out and an ambulance was called for me

    27. There was no response and she carried on walking to her turn round point at the pond while the stick man’s labrador was swallowed by the mist

    28. Hilderich indeed looked at what Amonas had fashioned, and though still in a sort of after-sleep haze he managed to point at it and snigger, as opposed to laughing outright which was rather painful

    29. is there a point at which a person can fully accept his own death?

    30. His heart sank when he saw the shadow of Jalesow’s arm, terminating in the unmistakable blunt outline of an automatic pistol, separate from the solid outline of his shadow on the snow and raise to point at the back of his head

    31. I catch Tobias’s eye, and slowly move my hand to point at my ear

    32. The Wampo had a sort of strongpoint at the entrance to their territory

    33. causes execution to return(jump back) to the point at which the call to the function was made

    34. if Jessie’s already told you, but there’s a security checkpoint at

    35. We spent the night near its midpoint at a village called Kalinta-ruk at the mouth of a river (the Kalinta)

    36. 18 But why should we point attention to the sympathy toward

    37. He took in the view from his vantage point at carefully viewed the throng of people who had stopped all polite conversation to hear what he had to say

    38. She’d point at me and say that there wasn’t much age difference, to which I would reply, “only on the outside sweet Jiva”

    39. In a widening cone above the point at which he stood, an

    40. is the point at which I lose consciousness

    41. That is the point at which the

    42. M: Awareness is the point at which the mind reaches out

    43. you are never conscious of it, except, maybe, at the point at

    44. world and point at ourselves as their only cause

    45. ” He looks back to point at the pit

    46. that it is a purposeful action (for instance, to point at something or to grab

    47. In the living room, Jesse took a seat next to her grandmother to see Nick point at the television

    48. That was the point at which Laura felt she wanted to return home

    49. Before going further into the consequences of the Second GA, this is a good point at which to examine a “manifesto” of Unitarianism as it was in the early years of the 19th century

    50. places rather than to the point at which I know how I was hurt and

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