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    Use "port of call" in a sentence

    port of call example sentences

    port of call

    1. next as yet undecided port of call

    2. attached, and Admiral Hill commanded, made what was scheduled to be a one weak port of call in Instanbul, Turkey

    3. Our first port of call was a Pool bar where Teow’s eldest daughter, Ohm, worked in the evening

    4. Finally the ship reached the first port of call and anchored at Aranjestad, Aruba’s capital

    5. That would not have been the first port of call of the liner were it not for the captain’s decision to change the itinerary to elude a storm that was following them during the whole trip but never caught up with them

    6. com is your next port of call

    7. It was the beginning of April 1959 when they made their next port of call

    8. AdWords should always be your first port of call when it comes to pay-per-click

    9. first port of call when trying to make contact with a website owner – as the

    10. Technorati should be your first port of call to find these 10 blogs

    11. For mariners heading north into the Queen Charlotte sound, the open Pacific or Alaska, it is the last port of call

    12. board, most will have a lecture about the port of call with


    14. It was clear that if Annie wasn’t in the mood for talking, that there would be no point rousing the others, so she was my first port of call

    15. She was famished and exhausted but coffee was always, absolutely always her first port of call for sustenance and she had missed out on her all important afternoon cup

    16. and, of course, the occasional port of call into small townships

    17. Before they could reach their next port of call, which hap-

    18. His first port of call after the numbers were out was to Jaitley’s house

    19. Our next port of call was to Butterworth and the headquarters of ousted Paramount

    20. Our next port of call was Butterworth and the headquarters of ousted

    21. A first and last port of call for cross-border travellers, by day the streets buzzed with Mexican day-trippers filling shopping bags with US branded clothing

    22. “No, you have to wait for an approved port of call,” the robot replied

    23. Our first port of call was Cairo, what

    24. Our last port of call was Exeter

    25. The dentist was never his favourite port of call and Mark could think of better ways of spending his afternoon off and the best part of £30 quid, than having his molars prodded and drilled

    26. What kept me there was that the alternative would have been my body found at some other port of call with a knife between the shoulder blades

    27. alien hull before the Robin wheeled away to seek out its next port of call

    28. I distinctly felt this was the last port of call for us both and I

    29. that Roy had found his port of call in the storm and then told me how he had to put the

    30. However, we effected our hair's-breadth escape into Italy; and, reaching Genoa, took passage in a Dutch mail steamer, homeward-bound from Java with London as a port of call

    31. I was invited to participate in a conference of poets and musicians in Tangier to honor the Beat writers who had once made it their port of call

    32. An ISA should be your first port of call for tax-free profits, though

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