Use "put together" in a sentence
put together example sentences
put together
1. Goodness knows what he managed to get his mother to put together for a picnic
2. Everything we had put together, Marianne and I, in our quiet ordinary little lives and our quiet ordinary little home
3. It was probably a good plan when it was put together, who could have known the Brazilians had secret doomsday weapons lurking in deep space?
4. The guys running the mechanical shop had managed to put together a very good imitation of an ocean racer and it was now ready for some long distance trials
5. Pippa put together a small troupe of performers in the spring and I was invited to go with them as they travelled to the west of the country, performing wherever there was a space large enough
6. ‘Quite … I think I shall put together something which will help you
7. I’ve spent most of the morning here in my office trying to put together a report for the partners on progress with the move which, as I’m still waiting for various people to get back to me on some of the aspects, this has proved a trying exercise and I’m totally pissed off with it
8. Now that was an interesting documentary! Amazing what new archaeological insights they’ve had into the Viking houses in the Hebrides – well put together, too … but why do they have to put these things on so late at night? Oh stop yawning, Sally! Turn that TV off and get on with shutting up the house for the night
9. It had been a real struggle getting his equipment put together and getting some results from it
10. Then they are put together in sections and each section is coated with a non-flammable liquid; it cannot burn
11. Dave, in his wisdom, has thrown out the one I put together last week saying that there ought to be something with an Easter theme in it
12. 'I've been asked by a representative of the Danvers House Foundation to research Miss Danvers' papers and try to put together a biography
13. Kulai had not been making a great deal of money at his outside interests and Delurna could not put together any financial explanation for his early purchases
14. The children have been learning some special songs with an Easter theme and the Yr 4 and Yr 5 classes have put together a dramatic presentation of the Easter story from the point of view of a child in Jerusalem at the time
15. “Jeremy,” she called to the kitchen, “Put together lunch and cakes for our new friends
16. She had to explain how syllables were put together and explain the rules for the order of letters in a syllable
17. Item's she had adored as a child, earned the right to put together as a youth, and inherited as a young mother
18. Then, a little over a year after she started playing with them, they put together a tour of fifteen halls in seven weeks in the Central Fastness and out to a few halls and courts in the spines to the east and south
19. After everyone had eaten their full, except for father O’Hara who was wolfing down a fourth bowl of stew, the travelers put together a group consisting of a fiddle, a flute and Cajon wooden drum and started to play
20. asked to put together a chronicle of my life, he would jump at the
21. Yahweh was indeed more powerful than all of his people’s gods put together! Babylon’s gods were no gods at all – they were mere handmade idols! He mounted Koyo and as he made his way back home, his mind wandered away to other things
22. It is now the most important of the sugar colonies of the West Indies, and its produce is said to be greater than that of all the English sugar colonies put together
23. But besides all the bad effects to the country in general, which have already been mentioned as necessarily resulting from a higher rate of profit, there is one more fatal, perhaps, than all these put together, but which, if we may judge from experience, is inseparably connected with it
24. productions of America, greater and more extensive than both Europe and America put together
25. The home market of China is, perhaps, in extent, not much inferior to the market of all the different countries of Europe put together
26. The trenches were now static and the fight now was relegated to small skirmishes although we gained more land from these than from either of the two big battles put together
27. If the answers to all these questions are “yes”: then we can conclude, without any doubt, that the information contained in the Bible is not just some mythical convolution of ideas conjured up by weird and fanatical people from the past and put together in a collection over many centuries
28. In addition to this, if we know that the Bible is a document that was constructed by someone who is not bound by the same limitations that we as humans are bound by, what should we make of the information that it conveys? Can we trust it? Should we stop and listen to what it is saying? How should we treat the information when we have provable evidence that it was put together by someone, who is not only outside of our time and dimensional space, but who claims to be responsible for creating the environment in which we live? We will firstly set out to identify aspects in the Bible, relating to the presence of design and also consider aspects of design at different levels
29. If Evolutionists then make use of the word “Design”, when referring to specific aspects in organisms that supposedly came about by chance, they in fact acknowledge that a designer, having in mind the skilful execution of a plan to put together a work of art with a specific purpose, was behind the subject that they are discussing
30. A: -- We should find unambiguous evidence for supernaturally inspired structure in the text, as it was put together over more than 16 centuries, even though more than 40 people took part in writing it
31. It is however, incredible when realising how precisely this passage was put together, when you delve to deeper levels of analysis in the Greek
32. room that had been put together with thought and attention to detail
33. By November of 1863, the South had put together a substantial
34. Irwinville, Georgia, where he planned to rally the South and put together a stand that would bring victory and independence
35. accepting a bundle of old clothes which had been hastily put together
36. That method, when put together and applied, is called Forensic Law
37. We recommend that a Response Team is put together with the Corporate Security Expert in charge
38. She was well put together
39. They are the abbreviated typed notes from my notebook that I managed to put together during the last two days
40. The sounds were hard to put together, but she finally got out something like what he had spoken so easily
41. Finally, it was the visionary conglomeration of all these and more, put together by its prophet Mohammad
42. ―Really! You cause her more worry than the rest of us put together, Adam
43. I‘ll talk to the foster parents and get this put together
44. All the other girls in the Glen put together haven't the vim, and wit, and joyousness and 'spunk' she has
45. through and put together a convincing argument for its merits
46. There were five tumen in the staging area and a sixth was still being put together
47. They sent out a negotiating team to buy time while they scrambled to put together a defense of the city
48. All you need is to trust yourself, put together all the things you needs
49. So far, she had put together part of the border and most of the section with the two of them
50. I picked up little Carlotta and took care of her while Theodore put together a tonic for Mathilde