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    Use "read off" in a sentence

    read off example sentences

    read off

    1. ” Delos had a package of assistants running that Elmore had left him, he only had to read off the screen

    2. Next I stepped onto the large cast iron scales to be weighed which the nurse did by adding iron weights a few lbs and ounces at a time until the balancing arm reached the required place and then she read off my weight she wrote this down in my notes as well

    3. He adamantly insisted they had to go no huddle with a spread offense to have any chance

    4. they are not to read off pages and pages of text

    5. Spears read off three coordinates he had Shacked up earlier

    6. Copperhead Zero Three read off their BDA (Bomb Damage Assessment) and said that Rover was going to recover their dead and hold position for the night

    7. All were in use, some where women chopped onions and herbs for the stews in the pots, and others where there were women who slid loaves of fresh, dark rye bread off baking planks

    8. Greg read off the identification codes for the two warships and the cargo ship

    9. When it was over, the news anchor returned to the sound of triumphant orchestral music to read off the names and the offenses of the Penitents who had died the night prior

    10. Walking in succession to each corner of the yard, Brunet then read off the coordinates indicated by his personal locator system

    11. instructions and then read off a list of required flavours and

    12. Inside, the warehouse, they had their names read off, by a man in fatigues, a baseball cap, and,

    13. “Yes,” Cyprian replied and the man read off the number

    14. When the operator came on the line, he read off the printed confirmation number

    15. "It seems to me, senor, that all these mishaps that have befallen us of late have been without any doubt a punishment for the offence committed by your worship against the order of chivalry in not keeping the oath you made not to eat bread off a tablecloth or embrace the queen, and all the rest of it that your worship swore to observe until you had taken that helmet of Malandrino's, or whatever the Moor is called, for I do not very well remember

    16. Tell her, too, that when she least expects it she will hear it announced that I have made an oath and vow after the fashion of that which the Marquis of Mantua made to avenge his nephew Baldwin, when he found him at the point of death in the heart of the mountains, which was, not to eat bread off a tablecloth, and other trifling matters which he added, until he had avenged him; and I will make the same to take no rest, and to roam the seven regions of the earth more thoroughly than the Infante Don Pedro of Portugal ever roamed them, until I have disenchanted her

    17. And later on he had a sketch he prized very much: Connie sitting on the stool before the wheel, her flowing mane of red hair on her rusty black frock, her red mouth shut and serious, running the scarlet thread off the hank on to the reel

    18. She couldn’t get a read off him

    19. He went to the desk near the window, pulled in his chair twice and read off

    20. Edy began to get ready to go and it was high time for her and Gerty noticed that that little hint she gave had had the desired effect because it was a long way along the strand to where there was the place to push up the pushcar and Cissy took off the twins' caps and tidied their hair to make herself attractive of course and Canon O'Hanlon stood up with his cope poking up at his neck and Father Conroy handed him the card to read off and he read out Panem de coelo praestitisti eis and Edy and Cissy were talking about the time all the time and asking her but Gerty

    21. You read off of each other and react

    22. Teddy Sanders swept a rogue thread off his otherwise immaculate blazer

    23. You read off of each other and react

    24. There was nobody in the office but himself and the operator of the railway telegraph, who read off the clicks aloud as the tape coiled its length upon the floor

    25. Stone whipped the bedspread off the bed, so that Hedy wouldn’t see it

    26. Sanchez read off the numbers of a house address on Baker Street

    27. I couldn’t read Officer Frye’s mind, but when she was satisfied, she went to the gate and called for the guards

    28. But in the meantime, this position is nicely spread off and it would require dramatic movements in implied volatility across the curve of options for this position to lose money

    29. There is rarely a perfect spread position for an option trader, but an intelligent option trader learns to spread off the risk in as many different ways as possible to minimize the effects of short-term bad luck

    30. But equally important is his ability to spread off risk

    31. An experienced trader may know many different ways to spread off the risk, using other options, futures contracts, cash contracts, or some combination of these

    32. For he thought he heard a soft tread off in the subterranean vaults

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