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    Use "reason about" in a sentence

    reason about example sentences

    reason about

    1. observe the facts, and then they reason about these facts that either they or

    2. Impossible to reason about this feeling

    3. What do you think is the reason about dull mid

    4. And he is to be deemed courageous whose spirit retains in pleasure and in pain the commands of reason about what he ought or ought not to fear?

    5. Clearly, he said, he would first see the sun and then reason about him

    6. It was really Johnjohn who made him see reason about that girl; seriously, you know, he's frightfully sharp

    7. I was astonished, sir, to have lately read a letter, or pretended letter, published in a prominent print in that quarter, written not in the fervor of party zeal, but coolly and deliberately, in which the writer affects to reason about a separation, and attempts to demonstrate its advantages to different sections of the Union, deploring the existence now of what he terms prejudices against it, but hoping for the arrival of the period when they shall be eradicated

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