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    saddened example sentences


    1. “Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers were saddened but realised that

    2. ” There were tears in his eyes and Kate could see he was deeply saddened by the death of his friend

    3. They understood what was propelling Collin, but they were still saddened

    4. Myra knew that one day she would have to return her to her people and it saddened her, for she had come to love the child as her own

    5. “I know this in my head my Queen, but my heart is still so saddened at the death of such an innocent

    6. Back in London, Defoe was saddened by a severe criticism of him by a contemporary Irish writer, Jonathan Swift

    7. Saddened, he turned his wide brow to the Black Door

    8. He was saddened at the

    9. If she was saddened by the failure of her suitors for another year, she made no mention of it

    10. After tipping Corpulus with ample coin and faring well a saddened Sorex - who perked up when she told him she would be back in Solitude again soon enough on private business – Penelope departed the inn and the city, to head southeast to her brother’s post

    11. to live a short period of time! While He is saddened that the will not live

    12. Mostly, though, it saddened Nerissa to be reminded of the voyage

    13. After the news of their father’s death, delivered by his sister several days prior, the indication of yet another distressing situation involving his family not only shocked and saddened him, but angered him

    14. And even the reflections therein that simultaneously saddened and enraged him were a sort of comfort to his soul

    15. was the thoughts of quitting that saddened me

    16. ” I felt saddened by what I heard

    17. We were saddened about Father, as well

    18. I'm sure you must have been saddened, as we all were, when she passed on

    19. I would be saddened to lose that

    20. sighed, seemingly saddened by the thought

    21. Halon was saddened to see these ships

    22. Manna was saddened to think that they would have to leave the security of Madra

    23. He looked so dejected and saddened that the man felt sorry for him

    24. In America thousands, saddened by the news of the two days' battle and its sacrifices, were praying for their army in the field

    25. But then her face saddened

    26. His voice was still Boyd’s and yet I could hear a saddened tone lingering on his lips

    27. As joyous as my heart was at having my best friend, my sister, back under the same roof, my heart was equally saddened at Egan’s absence

    28. I was extremely saddened by this reoccurrence for John (within three years of his original diagnosis) and I wondered if this was what my future held as well

    29. He hung up saddened at his situation

    30. The Pilgrim made the sign of God once more and looked at the strange man he now considered a brother under God; he felt a bit saddened that his words could not be understood and could not answer his brother’s questions

    31. They may have dug their own graves, but the thought that he would have to fill them saddened him immensely

    32. Nimrud looked saddened but remained where he sat for a short while before rising

    33. I was saddened to feel relief

    34. “I’m sorry to have to ask this of you,” Elmyra said with saddened

    35. half-smile of saddened memories flickering on her lips as she

    36. Only the dry scraping of claws and saddened howls of defeat

    37. When the body was without any trace of decay, Mikael could still not open his eyes and this saddened the titan

    38. So he recalled the horrific events to Doctor Clarke who listened with interest at the calm but saddened man before her

    39. The reason for his panic touched me, and what saddened me even more was the fact that he was an orphan…in fact, both he and Maggie were

    40. Here again, what saddened Roger most was his financial and psychological unpreparedness to cope adequately with the problems that were plaguing the family

    41. He pushed Mick to arms length and stared into his death saddened

    42. I am terribly saddened that it has come down to just you and me

    43. Suddenly I’m a bit saddened by that, and feel I should visit them soon

    44. Although Venn had hated Haki, and was happy to learn of his end, many other raiders -- especially Sten and Halfdan -- were shocked and saddened

    45. 32 And while the first women were going in the way to inform his disciples Jesus met them and said to them Peace to you; And they came and took hold of his feet and worshipped him; Then said Jesus to them Fear not but go and say to my brothers that they depart into Galilee and there they shall see me; And those women returned and told all that to the eleven and to the rest of the disciples; and to those who had been with him for they were saddened and weeping; And those were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the rest who were with them and they were those who told the apostles; And they when they heard them say that he was alive and had appeared to them did not believe them and these sayings were before their eyes as the sayings of madness

    46. So when I said goodbye to the Connors I was saddened by the thought that I might not see them again

    47. ” the Primagnon appeared truly saddened by the impotency of the former powerful leader who was not completely helpless

    48. ’ Saddened by the unnecessary loss of life from the army’s actions, he rode off into the night at last allowing the tears to form in his eyes, he swallowed hard regaining his composure, the acrid stench of burning buildings was thick in the back of his throat

    49. I have been awed, wowed, amazed, astounded, overwhelmed, excited, rejoicing, saddened (in a godly way), grieved, and so much more through knowing the attributes of His love

    50. I feel only saddened for our hapless infantry

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